starting fertiliad, and having pcos any success?
20 Replies
i am starting to get so frustrated, i don't know if i should go ahead and just do IVF or to just wait. Has anyone ever done IVF?
i've never done one, but don't get frustrated good things come to those who wait and i think something will b baking in the oven soon ok:)
hi, don't get frustrated yet, good things come to those who wait. I am going to be trying a supplement called Insulite. My older sister, over 35, who was diagnosed with Polysystic Ovarian Syndrome, and spent 4 years receiving treatments uses it. She has had three kids from using it.
I am 35 years old and I was diagnosed with poor ovarian reserve and very bad prognosis of having a baby with my own eggs. I was even given the option to consider donor eggs. That was around july 2014. I was absolutely devastated with the news and I arranged an IVF for November 2014 and it failed also, given that I had nothing to lose, I contacted on facebook (Oduduwa Ajakaye) and he send me his herbal product,. Believe it or not... I am already pregnant!
Well dear, I am not clear about your situation from your post. You have not mentioned about the details of your condition. Are you having any fertility problem? From what time have you been trying to conceive? Have you gone to a doctor or not? Kindly provide these details so I can suggest you something about your choice.