New to Chlomid ... Need Your Help
Hi Ladies, This is my first time on this board, and I'm so glad I found you! My DH and I have been married for 11 years (both 37), and have been TTC for a few years now. My RE is starting us on Chlomid during my next cycle ("should" start around 1/5). I'll be taking 2 per day at 50 mg. each on CDs 3-7. Then, on CD 10, 11 or 12 I'm supposed to schedule an ultrasound so they can tell me the best time for my husband to administer Ovidrel (trigger shot to release eggs). The first cycle we'll be doing timed intercourse, but the subsequent two cycles (if needed) will be with IUI performed 36 to 40 hours after the Ovidrel injection. Hopefully, my husband's little guys will make it to the finish line and no IUI will be needed. My RE will only do up to 3 cycles on Chlomid. After that, the big guns come out. My questions for you are many. What are the side effects I should expect? Have any of you hyper-stimmed? Should I use Pre-Seed right off the bat? Any advice, support or encouragement would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and Merry Christmas to all.
Hi PRPro, I am 27 years old and my DH and I have been trying for almost a year now. We started fertility treatments early because I found out I am not ovulating good enough on my own. My progesterone levels were too low. I was so nervous to start Chlomid because of the side effects I have read about. My first round of Chlomid 50mg/daily had absolutely NO side effects, it was great. Although my progesterone levels did not raise much on it and after an IUI (we did an IUI b/c sperm were not making it into the cervix), I found out I was not pregnant. The next month they had me take 100mg/daily of Chlomid, and when I went for my ultrasound they found 9 follicles. I hyperstimulated so I was put on bcp for 21 days to shut down my system...I was devastated. Besides hyperstimulating, I had no other side effects. I just recently was put back on 50mg/daily, again with NO side effects, and I had one really good egg. So I had another IUI and today (day 25) I am having bad cramps awaiting my period. I am just so exhausted with everything and no matter what anyone says, you will stress out. I love to hear people say "don't stress out" like you can control that. So now my doctor wants to have me start injections which I am really scared to do. If that doesn't work, the following month he wants me to do IVF. Some websites say just do IVF because injections are a waste of time and money, I don't know what to do. But to help you I would say not to worry about side effects on Chlomid because it is not a big deal. You may feel a little heat flash at night in bed, and you may have a was nothing horrible. Even the hyperstimulating was a set back, but wasn't painful or anything. The only thing I can tell you about for sure is that IF you get your period after being on Chlomid, your cramps will be more severe. That was the one thing that bothered me, so take Ibueprofin at night and when you feel crampy. I have never heard of Pre-seed so I cannot help you with that. I guess Chlomid works better for some people but it didn't work for me. Honestly, I don't know if I would bother trying it more than two cycles because there are other things out there that work better. However, it is the scarier procedures that actually work better which is what I am about to go through. Good luck, I hope it works better for you!
hey im currently on my 5th cycle of clomid. i was trying to concieve on my own for 4 years so after that i went to the doctors who referred me to a fertility specialist. i had a blood test to check for hormones, a hsg and my fiance had his sperm checked and all came back fine! i dont know whats preventing me from getting pregnant, ive always had a monthly period. anyways i got prescribed clomid just incase i wasnt actually ovulating, i got a 6 month prescription. ive ovulated every month and used pre seed a couple of times but im still not having any luck concieving! its so hard! im taking it cd 2-6 and i havnt really had any side effects apart from hot flushes. ohh and around ovulation time one of my ovaries get really tender like its about to explode but it only lasts a day, ive never experianced that before taking clomid. my periods were very painfull before taking it but now there not as painfully but are alot heavier! i can leak through a super plus tampon in a hour and half! tmi i know but sometimes it scares me but the heavy bleeding only lasts 3 days before slowing down. but its well worth it if it gives me a little beautiful baby that i sooooo badly want!