Urinary Problems

More women have bladder problems than you might suspect. Yet most do nothing about their bladder issues and suffer in silence, sometimes for years on end. The simple reason they ignore these troublesome issues is one of embarrassment. So women pile on the pads and wash themselves often and hope no one notices the bulk of the protective padding or the smell.

That's a pity, because urinary problems are among the easiest health conditions to solve. The vast majority of urinary problems can be treated in an effective manner. The first step to take is to resolve to learn all you can about bladder issues. Once you know what you're dealing with, it becomes possible to get rid of the problem.

Stop Obfuscating

If you live your life around your urinary problems—will there be a bathroom close by, how many pairs of panties, pads, and plastic bags should I bring along with me wherever I go—it's time to stop obfuscating and find out what you can do to take care of your problem. You deserve to live a full life like other normal human beings. Of course, you need information to get started on your path to freedom from urinary problems and we have it all right here.

Bladder problems are defined as sudden, sometimes frequent urges to urinate, plus urine leakage. These symptoms go under the umbrella term of urinary incontinence. But in simple terms, this just means that you lack basic bladder control.

There are many possible contributory factors for urinary incontinence, but most often, the condition is caused by the gradual degeneration of the pelvic nerves. There are several types of incontinence.

Stress Incontinence

In stress incontinence, the pelvic floor has weakened and this results in pelvic pressure (stress) on a bladder that had once been functioning in a healthy manner. The effects of stress incontinence are seen as a woman coughs, sneezes, or laughs. All of these actions result in the loss of urine. Stress incontinence is seen most often in postmenopausal women. 

Overactive bladder, also known as urge incontinence is about the sudden urge to urinate. This urgency is caused by spasms of the bladder muscle known as the detrusor and occurs as a result of miscommunication between brain and bladder. This condition may result because of inflammation, infection, injury, or the natural atrophying of tissues that occurs with age.

In overflow incontinence, a blockage or weak muscle tone prevents you from emptying your bladder in full. Symptoms of this condition include a weak stream during urination, straining, hesitancy, urgency, dribbling, and a feeling that the bladder is full though there is little urine contained therein. 

Kegel Exercises

Some bladder problems involve a combination of these conditions. Kegel exercises can be used to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and can go a long way toward helping or preventing incontinence issues. In other cases, the bladder problems stem from infections which require prompt treatment to avoid serious health problems involving the kidneys, bladder, or urethra.

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