Eating For Conception-Part 1

We all know that diet, exercise, and wise lifestyle choices are part of good health. Heart attacks, high blood pressure, cancer and a host of other health-related issues can be kept at bay when a healthy lifestyle is maintained. Infertility can also be added to the list.

The Nurses' Health Study Revelations

Harvard researchers conducted a groundbreaking study involving more than 18,000 women, who took part in the Nurses' Health Study, which looked at the effects of diet and other factors on the development of such chronic conditions as heart disease, cancer and other diseases. It is noteworthy that each of these women disclosed that she was trying to have a baby. It is equally noteworthy that over eight years of follow-up, most of the women did have babies. However, one in six women experienced difficulty conceiving, hundreds of whom had problems with ovulatory infertility. Interestingly, when the lifestyle and dietary habits of the infertile women were compared to those who successfully conceived, some very revealing information became available.

Ovulatory infertility accounts for more than 25 percent of all cases of infertility. Ovulatory infertility is where there is a problem related to the maturation or release of a mature egg each month. The study did not address infertility due to physical impediments such as blocked fallopian tubes. The women's partners were not included in the study either, which means there was no information on the effect of diet and lifestyle on male fertility. What did come out of the study was a strategy for healthy eating for conception, motherhood and beyond.

Using The Study To Address The Issues

The study created a platform for the construction of a diet based on solid evidence of what is good and not good to ingest, and how it affects fertility. It also helps to dispel myths and misinformation that has kept some women in a corner when it comes to eating properly. Now, it is possible to understand the way to eat in order to help facilitate conception. The method is free. It does require some re-education when it comes to understanding the value of the different components of the food pyramid. But, when understanding is in hand, wise choices can be made as to what to eat and what to leave behind. That information alone may be the ticket to pregnancy for a good many women who have struggled with ovulatory infertility. One of the outcomes of this study was a book written by Jorge E. Chavarro, MD, ScD, who was part of the research team for the study. His book is called, The Fertility Diet.

Conception May Be As Simple As Eating Differently

"The Fertility Diet" does not guarantee pregnancy any more than IVF or other forms of assisted reproduction do. However, it won't hurt a woman, has no side effects, and sets the stage for a healthy pregnancy. The benefits of eating in the prescribed manner go much farther than conception and pregnancy. When eating well becomes a lifestyle habit, then general health is improved and the ability to fight disease and infection is increased. Everyone benefits!

Check out our part 2 of this article for more information about the actual diet.

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