hi! i have some questions that needs answer like ASAP! as i am typing this post, i am in deep pain.. heavy bleeding, lower abdominal and pelvic pain, muscle cramps and fever.. the pain is killing me right now and i don't know why.. it all started when i lose my virginity but it's been a week now and it was just one time.. am i in trouble? please help!
we had pretty much same symptoms but mine lasted for just 3 days. i guess it's normal but to suffer from the pain is just isn't right. have yourself checked out.
symptoms are normal for 1st timers..i don't know how intense the pain is for you, but of course if you cannot handle the pain, it's best to see a doctor sooner rather than later.
i remember my first time, i had fever for a week followed by body aches, muscle cramps, chills and abdominal pain. my mom brought me to the hospital and found out i had UTI infections. maybe you should really need to visit your doctor.
every individual is different so it's really hard to tell whether what you're going through is normal or not. for me, your condition doesn't sound normal, please see a doctor before complications takes place.
Go see a doctor before the matters get worse! I have had the same anxieties before my egg donation!
dear symptoms are normal as I already suffer from the same situation and i had lots of pain in my lower abdominal i always felt that my uterus is not in its place it goes down . but as a time pass near about a week, everything goes ok
But I recommend you to take expert advice . she will guide you better