Ok- Now I am freaking out!!!
1 Replies
jal239 - October 9

I had severe O pain on 10/2 and took my trigger shot and had IUIs on 10/3 & 10/4. My dr. told me to start taking Prometrium starting 10/7. In the last 2 days, my cramps have greatly decressed, but I am still feeling very bloated and my nipples are VERY sore. In addition i have increased creamy cervical fluid (sorry tmi). After reading online I come to learn that Prometrium can copy pregnancy sypmtoms. What I thought were PG symptoms has now got me believing that it is just fromt he medication. I am freaking out. I don't know when to test. Do I test the day according to my trigger shot day or from one of the 2 IUIs. I am scared that the IUIs did not work. I just dont' know what to think. Any thoguhts to help put my mind at ease would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!


dreams4bump - October 10

I would guess that you would test 12-14 days after your IUI since that is when you should have od. Usually you O after the trigger shot. I bet you could call your dr and ask that would ease your mind alot. I hope you get a positive ++++ Baby dust to you and Good luck.



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