personal lubricants
5 Replies
pango1 - March 7

I read on this website that personal lubricants cause permanent and irreversable sperm damage. Does this mean that because we have used these in the past that my husband's sperm will forever be damaged and that he is now infertile?


MyLifeNotYours - March 12

Lubricants cause the sperm to dye & not travel up in order to aloud a pregnancy to occur, but it doesn't mean you will be premanent damage. If the sperm is good no matter what you do it will be fine. Use the preseed which is sperm friendly,


allStar - June 18

i don't know if it causes sperm damage permanently.what i know is that lubricants can make it difficult for sperm to travel and it can also damage sperm DNA.


alvin - June 27

i never knew that lubricants can damage sperm, my God i hope not!!! hahaha.. anyway, i think allstar here is right, lubricants can make sperm difficult to travel since it's sticky and messy and oily and like silicone.. hahaha.. whatever!


jhinx - September 9

yes it's true! most lubricants are not sperm friendly. so you better check on that too. if possible, avoid using it completely..


george - September 10

there's really nothing wrong with lubes but you need to choose the one which is water based. i personally use pre-seed lubes, i think you should try it too.



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