abnormal sperm
2 Replies
lucylockett69 - September 21


I am new to this site so please bear with me: )

My hubby and I have been trying to have a baby for 3 years now, Ive had a lap/dye op to check all my tubes and ovaries and it all looked fine, they did say I have mild endometriosis but it wasnt enough to cause me any fertility problems. My hubby had his sperm tested and this confirmed a good count and motility however the amount of normal sperm in the specimin was 0.53 and normal is considered at 1.5. The docs say we can still have children naturally but after 3 years uts really upsettin us both and we are desperate to be parents. I'm currently on clomid days 2-6 100g but so far nothing has happened other than painful side effects. I just wondered if anyone else is in the same position or who has had any success on clomid with a male fertility promlem, any help or advice would be really appreciated. Lucy x


xoxo - June 8

possible factors to be considered here is the presence of endometriosis and your husband's sperm count.i think you should solve this issue first.make it a point that you're both healthy.about clomid, if it doesn't work on you and since you are having painful side effects while taking it, i suggest that you should stop taking it.talk to your doctor and consider other treatment or options.


arogyam917 - August 22

Best is to go with Arogyam Pure Herbs Kit To Increase Sperm Count Kit ayurvedic treatment



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