When am I ovulating after D&C
2 Replies
Chloe Ash - April 28

I have recently had a D&C after a blighted ovum. I know you are supposed to wait to try and conceive again but I am willing to take the risk. However, I dont know when I am ovulating as I have not had my period yet. Can anybody help??


D and C - May 1

I had that over a week ago, and dont know when i ovualte either and they said nothing for a few weeks but i want to try soooo badly too! i am so curious if this will help us concieve. all my best i wish i knew too, chrissy


Chloe Ash - May 1

Hi Chrissy, I have done some reading and apparently you ovulate 14 days after your D & C ... I hope this helps!



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