when does a female conceive a baby before a period or after
actually it's in the middle of your cycle. Cycle day 1 is the day that you have your period and ussually it last for 5-7 days then on your 2nd week that is the time that female egg is getting matured and ready for fertilization on the 3rd and 4th week that is the waiting period, it's either you're successful or not so i think after your period week that's the big possiblity that u can be pregnant.
well first of all it depends on what day you last had your cyce and how often you get your cyce. I use to get my cycle every 29th or 30th day but now I get mine every 28th day. That helps. If you ovulate every 28th day then count 11 days from when your mentrual first started and that's when you start ovulating and your most fertile day is 12th or 13 day. What i also did was bought and ovulating test. When you see two lines that means you are about to ovulate within the next 24 to 36 hours. Did I help you? I know this because I've been on the internet for hours at the time trying to figure this out and now my own body tells me. I learned alot
can u get pregnant 2 days before starting your period