I have started trying for pregnancy for the past 3 months and my cycle has always been regular. Now the first month that we tried I got my AF on time but the bleeding was heavier than usual . Next month I tried again and I got my periods after 3 weeks only. The bleeding was normail. I went to my doctor she said all hormonal changes are taking place, nothing to worry about. Now this month I am delayed my periods and i took an HPT got negative and blood test is also negative, still havent got my periods. Is this something serious. I am trying fro baby first time. I am worried. Can anyone who has been through same situation please answer.
Roma, I've also been trying..4 months for me and my period used to be regular on the pill. I'm now off the pill and my periods are 7-14 days late each month. I wonder if I'm ovulating, but I must be if my period is still coming. I was supposed to start today and I'll be playing the waiting game for about a week, I'm sure! If your tests were negative, your period will probably come pretty soon. Good luck to you!