OPK's and HPT's
6 Replies
Shannon - July 7

Just wanted to let you all know of the site that I buy my tests from. I have read that quite a few of you buy your tests on saveontests.com. I buy my tests from babycreation.com I pay only 16.00 for 30 OPK's and 30 HPT's. There are other combos on there but since I test like a mad woman that is the combo that best suits me lol. There is no S+H on that site either. Just wanted to share that info with you all in case you never heard of that site. Baby Dust to All


merlee - July 7

Shannon, thanks for the info. I have been buying online but I pay $15 for 15opt and 5 hpt (combo). How well do the tests work? I have used some that the line never got real dark compared to others. THanks - Baby Dust~~


Shannon - July 7

They work ok for me. I buy the dipstrip tests which are pretty much the same as you find on all the other sites. (green opk + blue hpt)I haven't had a problem with them except for the fact that the hpt hasn't given me a bfp yet lol. I have never used the midstream or the cassettes. which one do you use?


merlee - July 8

I have used the dipstick (cheaper) from early-pregnancy-test.com they are supposed to read at 25 units which I thought was really good. I haven't even had an opportunity to try the hpt yet. I have in the past used whatever I could find. I'll have the check out your site.


kisses - July 8

Hi Shannon I tried to check on the website that you gave but i can't find the combo your saying which has 30OPK's +30HPT's for only $16.....what i saw was 15OPK's + 5HPT's for $16.....can u tell me if i'm wrong...thanks


merlee - July 8

Shannon, I checked it out and the strips are identical to the one I got online, but cheaper. Kisses, click on the "dipstrip combo" pkgs, then ziplock baggies. the individually packaged one are a little more.


kisses - July 8

Thanks Merlee....now i'm on the right track :) How to use those dipstrip? Are they accurate?



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