Not sure why?
2 Replies
Meli - May 4

my husband and i have been trying to get pregnant for a year and 5 months. we've taken the test we should and there is nothing wrong with us. we are both in the army and have a stressful days all the time. could stressing out too much be the problem, if so what can i do to help deal with the stress better? could there be other factors that would affect our chances of getting pregnant?


Nena - May 4

Yes Meli stress is the main factor. Stress can mess everything. You should try and take a long vacation both of you in the seaside and just relax. I will happen. Good luck.


Heather - May 4

Meli ~ Do you know if you are ovulating? Have you charted your temps or taken opk's? There are several ways you can help things along. Good luck!



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