Mr T. we feel sorry for you!!!!!!!!
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To Mr T or shall i say John Doe - June 5

Answer: HES A PERFECT example of the children we feel so sorry for. Ones who were abandoned as a child. Parents who never cared for him. Oh well Mr. T you cant get attention like this. This is seriously sad. You may thinks its funny but truly it is not!!!! So many numerous reasons why you may have chosen to pick at us, but youre the one who is making yourself sound stupid. Bless you and what you said about GOD is very negative you need Jesus!!!! and you will go under unhappy with that type of negative energy in your heart. Notice how you are acting a fool online. I cant imagine how you are in person. Maybe 3 little buck teeth and raised by crack addicts??? oh oh no no wait, you werent raised by someone with decent morals maybe a hooters waitress or no father figure maybe???



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