453 Replies
Kerri - October 13

Hi Nora....I'm 6 and half weeks pregnant. Yes, I'm still on the Metformin. I went to the RE on Monday and got to see the baby and the tiny heartbeat(even hear it too) Today's technology is sooo amazing. I told the RE I was still taking 1000mg of Metformin---by law he can't recommend for me to take it while pregnant b/c it's a type B pregnancy drug....I told him since I've seen the heartbeat and the baby seems to be doing well I'd like to continue the 1000mg of Metformin at least thru the first trimester....he said he recommends professionally to come off to cover his butt, but he's personally very OKAY with the idea of me staying on it too. He said if miscarriage happens now it's probably not due to Metformin, it would more chromosomal defects. Sooo, are you still on the Metformin too? You were only taking 500 mg right? I hope all is well with the you have any pain? Maybe it's just an implantation hemmorage and the bleeding will be absorbed and stop. Let me know how you're doing


stef - October 13

kerri- I think i'm in the same boat as you. I'm 8w tomarrow. I went and saw the hb and baby on tuesday everthing looked good. I'm due june 5th. I'm also on metformin 500mg once a day. My dr really didn't want me to cont. taking the perscription but i insisted to at least take it thru the first trimester. So far i guess everthing is good. B/s being really tired and now the neausa is kicking in i'm doing good. I've already started to pouch some i thought that would wait another month or so. I"m holding off on telling my parents and close friends until my 14w ck up on the nov 25th.


Kerri - October 13

More power to ya Stef for holding out---I tried, but after I saw and heard the heartbeat we decided to tell family and work. Hopefully I can shout it out to everyone late November in the second trimester....but like you I think I'm going to show earlier than I like. I already had a little pooch before BFP and now it's getting more sloid and not as squishy---so I might be in maternity clothes before the end of November at this rate. I'm glad everything is going well----I wonder why my due date is June 4th, but I'll only be seven weeks on Saturday???


Monique - October 13

Is Fortamet the same thing as Metformin? Does anyone know? I was on Fortamet for 8 weeks because my doctor diagnosed me with PCOS but it made me nauseated for the entire time so I stopped taking it. He said it was to lessen the chances of miscarriage and diabetes during the pregnancy - both of which are common for PCOS sufferers - but he didn't say anything about it make it easier to become pregnant on it. I've recently decided to take a break from IUI so am not currently on any hormone drugs - and trying natural stuff instead. But now I'm wondering if I should give Fortamet another try. However, I have previously had a healthy pregnancy (after IUI) without diabetes or any problems at all. I'm not really sure I even believe I have PCOS. I have some facial hair but that's really my only possible symptom - that and my unexplained inability to get pregnant on my own.


Nora - October 13

Hi kerri- woke up this morning not feeling to well, a bit of nausea and a little vomiting. It's the first from this preganancy. All this days I was not nauseated so I was kind of happy for that, but it hit today. I'm still taking the metformin 500mg a day, but my dr. told me to stop taking it. My dr. is not very caring so at this point i'm in the process of changing dr's. Next week is my first check up with my new dr. I'll bring it up to him about the metformin.


TTC - October 14

I have PCOS and I am on Metformin Hcl Extended Release Tablets (Teva Pharmaceuticals) and will be going up to 1500 mg. over three weeks time. (Generic equivalent of Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Glucophage® XR Tablets.) So far I am having a much better time handling the extended release version. I could not tolerate the regular metformin the first try. I had too many awful side effects. I think this extended release version came out last Spring. I have been taking the pills just after dinner. I've also really cut back on dairy, sugar and carbs. In the past my periods have been irregular & non-existent on my own. Hopefully metformin will help. WIll also be going on clomid. Baby dust to all and please post success stories!


Kerri - October 14

Oh yeah, I'm taking the extended release form too---I eat half of my breakfast, then take the pill, then eat the other half of my breakfast...same with dinner and I haven't had any side effects with the 1000mg (except pregnancy, and that's a great side effect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


kathy - October 17

I am also on Metformin. According to my doctor, t is good to take it if you have PCOS. Trying to conceive or not, she recommends it. At first, the side effects are a pain but they do get better.


NORA - October 18

Hi all. I went to see my new DR. today and he told me to stop taking the metfomin because he said it's not going to do me any good. I'm so confused because this dr. seems like he's a really good dr. and that he knows what he's talking about, unlike my other dr. he just brushed everything off. He said that the metformin is just used to help me to get pregnant and after that it wont help for anything else. Can I get some advice on what I should do. I'm scared that if I stop the metformin I might loose the baby from what i've read. Advice please anyone.


Kerri - October 18

The Metformin will only help if you're underlying issue is insulin resistance. Did you ever have insulin levels drawn to determine if you're insulin resistant? Miscarriages typically happen in women with PCOS b/c the insulin resistance throughs some hormones out of whack----but let me assure you of this....I have a friend that's 3 months ahead of me and she has the PCOS and she's not on anything and she's doing fine----this is her third child too. I have mixed feelings on it--I'll go and get my 8.5 week sono next week and I'm sure the OB will tell me to stop taking the Metformin b/c this is my first pregnancy and I've never miscarried and blah, blah, don't know what I'm going to do yet-----just know for sure lots of praying!


stef - October 18

I recommend anyone taking metformin for pcos and pregnant to cont to take it. i've read on another thread that every person that stopped taking the med had a miscarrage exactly two weeks later. The next time around then the dr told them to stay on the med's. I haven't heard of one success story of someone stopping metformin and the baby living. not to scare anyone but all the outcomes i've read haven't been good.


Julie - October 18

Hi Nora. I started metformin about a month ago. At that time, I asked my OB/GYN about whether it was safe to be on if you're not diabetic blah blah blah. He assured me it was, I asked him how long I'd be on it and he said through the end of the first trimester. Just another opinion for you....... I guess my question for the dr. would be, can it HURT to stay on it through the pregnancy???


MeMeCastillo - October 22

I was on Metformin 2 weeks and became pregnant after miscarrying twice before, I'm now 8 months pregnant.


TO MEME - October 23

did you stay on the metformin thru the whole pregnancy? and at what dosage? any info would be helpful


babywishes - October 24

I was also put on metformin, my doctor told me that I was "insulin resistant" I've only been taking it for a couple of weeks and watiting to see what happen's. I am on 1700 mg a day and some days I feel okay and others are not so good. Since I had no reaction to clomid I'm hoping metformin will do the trick.


Julie - October 24

Dear babywishes.......I had the same problem, my ovulation was WORSE on clomid, so Dr. tried Metformin, I got a BFP the first month!! Hopefully it "sticks", I miscarried in March...



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