Infertile although have a child
3 Replies
mag - February 14

Can you be infertile after your first child, I had my first one really easily without noticing anything or even knowing about ovulation...but now that I am trying for my 2nd child I cannot seem to get it, although I am observing everything in my body...I have been trying for 6 month now? my period is irregular, but has always been like it a good idea to try to regulate it or that could end up with multiple pregnancy???


Eve - February 15

I have been trying for my 2nd baby for nearly 2 years, my 1st child was concieved in 2 months with no help. I was recently told i have polycystic ovary syndrome, which i am now being treated for and one of the syptoms is irregular periods.


jo - February 16

its called Secondary Infertility!


kim - February 18

I am not sure about multiple pregnancies, but yes I think you should try to regulate it. I also have irregular periods. I tried to conceive for 3 1/2 long years w/ irregular periods.
Try a herbal supplement. I took New Phase it is for Menopause. You can find it in the herb and vitamin section. I took it for 2 months finally got a period and 3 months later I was pregnant.



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