I am new here
3 Replies
Milana - July 24

Hello, I am new here. I have been TTC for 9 years. The long 9 years have been pretty tough on me. I have tried IVF and other possible treatments. But recently, I have been told that I am unable to conceive. Because I have a low ovarian reserve. I have been recommended surrogacy And upon the recommendation, I went to Europe for my consultation. However, I made an extensive research, the Biotexcom clinic happened to be the best facility for my journey. The best part is it is coming to London for two days for an open day event 18/19 August 2018. Those who are looking for consultations for their infertility and its resolution can register themselves to avail the opportunity. For further details refer to their website. Hopefully, this has helped someone. xx


sansa - August 18

Hi. Is it weird that we all have our TTC stories? Shows how common infertility has become. But there are positive aspects to it as well. It brings us all closer. And together. You don't need to worry at all. I think we never fall into the circumstances that we can't handle. And I think you have been made stronger than this. To deal with this. To cope up with all the issues. And I know that you will. You just have to gather courage. And voila. You will be happy before you know it. Sending you baby dust. Prayers for you girl. I know you will do it.


EmmaJohn - August 18

Greeting, Milana. How are you doing? I hope you're in the best of your health. TTC can be very straining. There is no telling how long it can take. Ours took 10 years. That didn't even last long. Our miscarriage brought infertility too. That was the hardest part of our lives. We have been through a lot. IVF and IUI weren't viable. The only option left was surrogacy. And we went to Europe for it. Our experience was amazing. We're very happy with our daughter. SHe is growing up so fast.


hailbrown - August 27

Wow! That sounds great. I'm glad you're getting your happy ending. 9 years is a long time. You both sure are strong. I wish the same to all the many other couples struggling out there. They definitely need this hope. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Good luck with everything!



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