HSG question
1 Replies
Renee - March 8

My doctor wants to schedule an HSG for me in a month or so. If your tubes were blocked, would your temps rise indicating ovulation occured, or would your ovulation predictor tests be positive ever? I'm on my first month of clomid and it's day 17... my temps just keep going down and the ovulation tests have said negative all along.


to Renee - March 9

your temps rising are caused from a LH surge...completely unrelated to blocked tubes. If you have blocked tubes, you can ovulate but the egg can't enter your tube, thus cannot be fertilized..I found the book "taking charge of your fertility" helpful in answering a lot of my questions. Also, I am assuming that if you are on Clomid that you already have a diagnosed problem ovulating? Sometimes the ovulation tests are inaccurate (false negatives) if not taken a the right time..my md suggested first morning urine..which is different from what the test suggests..Good luck!



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