| kim - February 18 |
This isn't a question, but I just wanted to share this with anyone going through this. I read on here many women with irregular periods trying to conceive. I have never had regular periods. When my husband and I decided to have a baby, my periods disappeared completely. I was devastated. For 2 long years I had no period. Finally I researched infertility and irregular periods and found some women take herbal supplements to bring on their period. I took something called New Phase it has natural plant estrogens and progestrogens in it, which help regulate our hormones. I took it for 2 months and had a period. 3 months later I was pregnant with my very busy little boy, who is now 20 months old. This stuff was a godsend for me. If any of you out there are having trouble with your periods I highly recommend spending a few $ on this. It really does work.
kim, where did you find that? do you have to order it online? sounds good! ~vicki
I tried to search for it and I can not find it on the net. I found one but its for woman with menopause (for relief during menopause) Would you please let us know what is it and where can we buy it?
could you tell me where you buy new phase?? thks
Ladys, I went to Costco store today and have seen ESTROVEN 80 day supply is only $19.99 Before I bought it, I wanted to ask a question. On the box of ESTROVEN it says (helps before, during, and after menopause).... NOW the Question: Is there 2 kinds of Estroven? Or did you Kim take same one and fell preggo. Please HELP :) Thanks,