having problems conceiving-3rd baby
5 Replies
Madeline - April 25

hi there, we have been trying for nearly 9 months now to get prgnant-still no luck. My first 2 caught within 5 months so getting a bit worried. havn't charted temp, dont really want to get that obsessed but should I? Have read some comments about clomide? Not heard of it, I live in UK so is it available here. Any suggestions. Thanks!


madeline - April 25

My cycle is also a bit strange at the minute, 28, 29 or 30 days.


Milissa - April 25

well what ever your age> like after 35 its harder,maybe talk to a doctor? But you have only been trying for 9 mos?? they say at least year to 2 years. good luck


Melissa - April 25

I've heard to check with your doctor if you've been trying for over 6 months. Even though you're in UK your doctor might have other options to Clomid. I think the same way about charting my temp. I can normally tell if I am by my discharge. Can you tell if you are or not?


madeline - April 25

I'm 27! My husband is 30. I'm not sure about discharge, think I can tell but? It would be nice just to enjoy making love instead of trying for a baby!!! thanks milissa.


Dawn - May 1

I live in the UK too. Chlomid is only available to couples who have been trying for a baby for over a year after laparoscopy and sperm samples from your partner. I'm sure with you already having two children there won't be a problem someimes these things take longer than expected.



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