And by the way, you're 8dpiui, so you know it's wayyyyy to early for AF to show her ugly face, so maybe that's a good sign?? Let's just say yes, and run with it, we need some positive going on!!!
Well today is 1dpIUI and I am officially in the 2ww! Oh how this 2 weeks always seems to drag by. Today I feel really crampy so I hope that my body is doing what it is supposed to be! The first time I ever did and IUI I didnt have any cramping and it was a failed cycle. The 2nd IUI I did I had lots of cramping at day 5 and I ended up pregnant and had my daughter :) So for those of you that are cramping I am hoping and praying it will be a sign of luck like it was for me! baby dust to you all!
wishingforbaby: good luck tomorrow! i hope u have some awesome follicles!
lfisher: good luck! sticky vibes to u! I hope this 2ww isnt an eternity to u! I know mine has sure felt like that at times!
jchristine: i know how u feel! last cycle i did an IUI in november i refused to test cause of the same reasons! I ended up testing the morning i was having my beta so i wouldnt be taken so off guard when they said it was negative. as soon as i left RE office i lost it in the car cause i know the beta wasnt going to say something different. it definitely didnt make it any easier when i heard the bad news from the nurse. well keep us updated. cant wait to hear! i hope its POSITIVE!!!
Thanks...well my nurse called me yesterday and told me my estrogen was low and to raise the dosage from 75 to 112 but the u/s showed i had 1 follicle measuring 8 and i had less than than 8 on each side so...does that looks good? I'm suppose to be going back in on Saturday morning...1st IUI and i am a nervous wreck
Thanks...well my nurse called me yesterday and told me my estrogen was low and to raise the dosage from 75 to 112 but the u/s showed i had 1 follicle measuring 8 and i had less than than 8 on each side so...does that looks good? I'm suppose to be going back in on Saturday morning...1st IUI and i am a nervous wreck
Well the blood has been drawn and now we wait. The nurse said they make calls after 3. What a terribly long day!! I didn't test, BUT I'm feeling ALL of the things I normall feel right before AF comes and she's due today. I'm hoping the progesterone doesn't throw her off too much, she usually serves as my in your face reality check! I had a complete and total break down in the car after I left the doctor's office. I called my mom and just lost it. This process is just really tough. I know faith is proven in difficult times but it really gets hard to stay hopeful.
Wishing what day of your cycle were you on when you had your u/s? Did they also do blood work? My RE did the U/s on my 12th day but no bloodwork so I didn't know about my estrogen or anything.
OH MY GOD!!!! The doctor just called BFP!!! HCG level is at 20, I go back on Monday. FX, we've got a sticky one!!!!
OMG!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I am so happy for u JChristine! I literally had the biggest smile when i read this! I know u must be thrilled! I will be praying it sticks and your beta's continue to get bigger! Have u told your DH? how are u feeling? any symptoms?
Thanks Stacy, I think I'm still in shock!! I just told DH, wanted to wait until I got home instead of over the phone. He's pretty excited, he's pretty excited, asked me when we could start telling people, I told him let's just wait on that. The only symptom that I've head are my sore boobs, and oddly enough, chills, that come just randomly. My 48hrs is on a Saturday so I have to wait until Monday to get my second numbers. It's going to be a loooong weekend!
Hello ladies!!! I know I haven't posted in a while but I've been following you guys and praying for your sucess. I am happy for you JChristinend r!!! Congrats and remeber to keep your faith. For everyone else true the wait can be agonizing but keep the faith in god and remeber that God has a plan for everyone. Now as for me, I've been on a roller coaster. The last time I posted, my hcg levels had dropped. Well I took it that I was to miscarry and delt with it as that. I continued to get blood work b/c they wanted my levels to go down to 0. Now the levels have started to go back up they are wanting me to take a shot. I have researched all possibilities and have prayed that it is a sign of god. I am getting a second opinion before I make my decision. Please keep me in your prayers cause only God knows how bad I want GREAT NEWS!! I have alreasy advised the doctor of my plans and he understood my concerns knowing my history. I only pray that God will continue to comfort me and all you ladies as well. Be Blessed!!
Jchristine: so happy for u!!! Keep us posted on your next beta! Get plenty of rest! Chills? That's interesting!
Txprincess: bless your heart! What a tough journey! :( so whats the shot they want u to take? I sure hope u get a miracle!!! Keep us posted
TXPrincess I'm so sorry to hear your roller coaster, I can only imagine emotional toll it takes. Glad your faith is strong. What kind of shot are they wanting you to take? Pray that you get that good news!
I meant to say I will be praying!! I'm on my phone, sorry!
jchristine- Whoohoo! Congrats! I hope and pray that everything will continue to go smoothly and that you will have a healthy happy pregnancy! :)
TXPrincess- I will be praying for you!