I meant to say ...the insemination should be done within 6 hours of your ovulation. The sperm will only survive about 6 hours if frozen...12-24 hrs if fresh. Mine was frozen from a donor.
I am curious...how many of you had an HSG test before your IUIs? I haven't had one given I don't have the symptoms of endemetriosis. If you have a lot of dairy, your tubes can become blocked but I've stopped having dairy. I've gone on a fertility boosting diet having a lot of garlic, sweet potatoes, honey, avocados, high fibre, leafy greens and no white foods....as in no white sugar, flour or rices and breads...it's hard but it affects fertility. Anyone else changed their diet? Sorry for all the questions. It's my first time on one of these forums.
I've read some concerns some of you have about only having one follicle ready this month. Every woman only has a 25% chance of conceiving monthly and every woman only releases 1 follicle monthly. 2 if twins so don't be concerned if you have one mature follicle. That's how it's supposed to be. Only 1 burst through the ovary every month (typically).
cdefonso There is no clear answer if cramping or bloating is good or bad. Some people think it’s good to cramp but other don’t. I don’t think it matters. Every person is different and they react differently to IUI. I myself felt different every IUI. My doctor does ask for you to lay down for 15-20 minutes after IUI, but it is not necessary. I will not be testing in a week, I’ll go for prego test in two weeks (12/30). Friday night I’m starting to use progesterone twice a day. I try not to think too much about it and concentrate on other things, because other wise I go crazy. :)
Hello all I am new to this forum. My partner and I have been thinking baby for awhile now. She can not have children so it is all me, but we are taking the journey together. I had my first iui on 12-16-09 I was unsure of wether or not I hit the LH surge so I went with my ovulation date. we used a donor. I too had the cramping. it is day 2 and still feel cramping. I had some bleeding with the iui. I had the iui at about 10:30 am and at about 4:15pm that day I slipped on ice and fell hard down 3 stairs. I am hoping that did nothing to affect my status. The day i went in for the iui was a tough day for me. It marked 5 yrs since my lil sister passed away. I am hoping that day will now be a happy day and things will work out. I hope that come the 2 week waiting period there is a positive result. My family needs something good right now. I so enjoy reading your stories.
olga my doc didn't make me lay down for 20 mins after, is that a problem? I did take it easy the rest of the day. also did anyone experience more than normal discharge after?
maria,My doctor always tells me that you don' t have to lay down or lay down the whole day. After IUI you can go and do you normal daily activities. The only thing that they recommend is not to have heavy work outs for a few days. So no it's not necessary to lay down. Where the sperm is released there is no way out of there. After IUI it is normal to have light bleeding, spotting or discharge. Some people don't have discharge or spotting it is also fine. How my doctor says try to have happy thought and good luck to you.
First Time Mommy to be, some people are concerned about having only one egg is because they take fertility drugs, so they are supposed to have multiple eggs. It increases the chance of getting pregnant. For example I'm doing Follistim and if I only had one egg me and my doctor would be very concerned. The goal is to have more than one. My doctor specifically tries to get 2 eggs on each side.
Thank You olgakay. I appreciate the reassurance. To everyone a world of baby dust to you. I am still learning all the phrases and acronyms
Had my IUI on Dec 17. My doctor told me I could get up and leave right away, no restrictions. I laid down for about an hour when I got home. A bit of cramping later that night, but really nothing else since. Going back in a few days for ultrasound and bloodwork. 1st Time Mommy - I had an HSG in Sept, and one of the tubes didn't open as quickly as the other one, so doc said (in strictly medical terms) that there must have been some "schumutz" up there. :-) HSG is diagnostic as well as therapeutic, as any mucus that might be blocking can be cleared out. I have not changed my diet as a result of trying to get pregnant, but I have heard of the "Take Charge of Your Fertility" book. Anything helps! olgakay0518 - I agree with you about the multiple eggs - my doc has said that you don't TRY for multiple eggs, but you EXPECT multiple eggs if you're on high-power fertility drugs, such as Follistim. But if my body used all those drugs to produce one healthy egg instead of many, then I will be happy, but it's all about increasing your odds when you're trying to get pregnant. maria1 - welcome to forum! Keep us posted on your results and good luck to all!
Thank you cdef I look forward to hearing all your stories as well. I got the first response test which tells you 5 day before AF, i'm contemplating whether or not to do it or do I wait? All I know is that I am 8 days into the waiting game and I have been on an emotional roller coaster ride. it started with me being hopeful. Now I am afraid I am feeling like it was a failure. I have had no spotting indicating implantation. I am bloated and crampy but bbs are not too sensetive or sore. I hope i'm just reading too much into it.
maria1, I had no spotting at all and I had success, don't read too much into the symptoms.
I had an US and bloodwork on 12/24, progesterone was low (13.6) so doctor put me on prometrium for the next 10 days. UGH - not pleasant. Also bought HPT so will take on 12/31.
I went to see a Fertility specialist who's had an amazing track record in helping women conceive. I'm gay so I'm not sure I have fertility issues per se. I just want to be able to do anything possible to help conceive better. He told me that the MOST important thing for fertility is nutrition. Women of a certain age can make their eggs "younger" by feeding them amazing foods. So here I am eliminating, sugar, white breads, white rice and anything else that is refined and processed. I'm eating 10 servings of fruits and vegetables. It's hard but I'm doing it for my little eggs :) I hope this 3rd iui works on the right timing. I'll definitely demand the iui is done the day I ovulate instead of the next day. January 17th or thereabouts is the next big day. He also said the more you want it and obssess about it, the less I'll get pregnant because the body is too stressed. It's like the secret and the law of attraction. The more you dread not getting pregnant....the more you will not get pregnant month after month. I'm learning to let go...not think about it anymore and just be "in the present" during each precious day I've been granted on this earth. There's so many fertility foods out there it's amazing! I've also started having dong quai tea. It helps with ovulation. Here I go blabbing again...just hope you will have this little dream come true...let's all eat better together and tell each other how we've become pregnant :) Good luck to all!
Hi All! This seems like a great thread with lots of information. I am 26 years old, and my husband and I are ttc. I have always had extremely irregular periods. After years of visiting doctor after doctor who said I was fine, I was finally diagnosed with PCOS last summer. Being from a small family, my dream was ALWAYS to have a large family. When I met my husband, the dream grew all the more as he lost his parents when he was a teenager. I am on 2000 mg of Metformin per day, as well as .5 mg Dostinex twice a week. This month, I was put on 50mg Clomid and had one large follice with two slighlty smaller ones that the doc said were about a day behind the other. Unfortunately, my lining was thin and I had to be put on Estrace to help thicken it. I was supposed to take the Ovidrel shot on Dec. 23rd and have the IUI Dec. 25th (I know - Christmas day!). Late in the afternoon on the 23rd, the doc called and said that it looked like my most mature follicle was ready to go, and that I'd have to come in on the 24th but to still take the Ovidrel. I am currently in the 2ww, and am on 2mg Estrace twice per day and 200 mg Prometrium twice per day. I will find out whether the IUI worked January 7th. My question - Has anyone had a similar experience (medications, etc.) with success?
Hello everyone. First time here..my dh and I being tryin for 2yrs.... October did a HSG one tube looks blocked not quite ..dh sperm count low he bein takin supplements for last 3 months,,,,I'm not in any meds...doc wants to try w/out any..before iui what test should i do first ..i'm using OPK my lh day 11 or 12