Exercise Induced Amenorrhea?
3 Replies
Mer - May 18

Has anyone been successful in making lifestyle changes to overcome amenorrhea? I have not had a period since 2001 when I lost weight quickly- I regained and am at a healthy weight for my height, but I do about an hour and a half to two hours of very intense exercise every day (I am a trainer). Prometrium did not result in a period and now my Dr. would like to move on to Provera. He has not suggested reducing exercise or muscle mass and I am wondering if this might be a solution? Any thoughts would be appreciated...


Melissa - May 18

I have heard (although I don't know) that stuff like kick boxing is too vigerous. My doctor told me stuff like running, lunges, sit ups, etc are all acceptale forms of excercise. How strenous is your exercise?


Mer - May 18

It's demanding cardio- running, jumping, kicking, step, spin for almost 2 hours a day


Melissa - May 18

You may want to double check with your doctor. The spinning and kicking may be too much. Like I said, I'm not sure but it's worth a call to the dr.



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