Early spotting, also tilted uterus
1 Replies
My hubby and I have been trying for about a year and a half and I am on clomid (haven't taken it this month because there was a chance that I was pregnant and my period was all messed up - spoke with my doc before not taking it). We "did it" on the 10th, 13th and the 15th day of my cycle. The main question is that I started spotting yesterday morning and I am not supposed to start my period until the 9th of April (this upcoming saturday). I NEVER start early, I am usually late by a few days or even a week or two. My doc won't really talk to me about it because they don't want to tell me that I am pregnant and I not be (totaly understand), so they advised me to wait and see if I start my period this weekend and then call them on Monday. I am just basically wanting feedback/oppinions from other on what their take is on this situation. Oh, yeah..........haven't taken a test because was informed that it was too early to show if I am.
| dd - April 4 |
I too have a tilted uterus and a have 2 beautiful girls