| SC - June 14 |
Hi there, I have just been reading about your e-mails on clomid - I have done my first lot and am definitely not pregnant - due to have my period at the end of this week but I know I am definitely not - however I did read that some of the side effects from clomid are very similar to those of being pregnant ie nausea/vomiting and sore breasts. My breasts have been so sore I have been having to wear a bra at night and I have been really nauseous for the last four days, feeling like I am going to be sick every 5 mins - has anyone else had these side effects? My doc said he would have expected my follicle to be bigger when he scanned and for there to be more than one - I was on 50mg this last cycle and am due to be taking 100mg on this next cycle. Have felt really emotional etc on these pills! I don't think I have got over a really bad miscarriage I had last November/beginning of December whilst abroad - it was the most horrendous experience (and I have been run over by a lorry before - it was much worse than that!!). Love to know of anyone who has had positive news on clomid, one of my friends who had a miscarriage like me, then was not ovulating said she got pregnant on her 3rd go and there was only one follicle showing.
Hey Melissa, yeah, sorry, I meant that after this cycle (if it doesnt work) I get to try one more. Then on to the Pergonal. I am supposed to take it cd 3-7, but I'm wondering if perhaps it would be better to try different days next time. Lena, thank you for telling me about chemical pg's. I honestly didn't know! SC, hang in there! It does get better, though the moods are crazy! I'm really having some trouble with nausea this time too, though I'm using ginger capsules which help alot. I went through a m/c too almost 5 years ago. It was a suprise pregnancy, but once we found out we were really excited. We found out it was twins during the ultrasound which also told us they had passed on. I was awake for the d&c, though sedated but I cried through the whole thing. I felt like the life was being sucked out of me. The most horrible experience. It does get better :) ~~~Baby Dust~~~
SC, I've have sore breast and nausea every cycle with clomid. These symptoms could mean someone is pregnant, but they are also symptoms of high progesterone levels, which I'm sure are from the multiple CL's produced by clomid.
Hi girls! Drew - I was just wondering if you were going to do it for only 2 months. :-) Hope this one works. I've been having migranes with my clomid this cycle. Has anybody else? I know it's the clomid because about 20 minutes after taking it the migrane comes.
| SC - June 15 |
Hi Drew and Lena,
Thanks for your replies - Lena, it does make sense what you say, I guess it will all be worth it in the end! Drew, it is so nice to hear from someone who has been through the D&C/Miscarriage thing - I felt almost violated when I had the op - still really tearful all this time on but reckon it is partly due to the clomid. My Mum thinks I am weird and shouldn't be upset like this and am 'certainly not ready to have a baby' so I try not to speak to her too often... Love to hear how you both get on with the clomid - Drew, keeping my fingers crossed for you this last month on clomid and Lena, not sure how far along you are with it?
Hey Melissa, the migranes are terrible! I have never had headaches like these ever in my life. I actually cried the one night. SC, the pain of a m/c does get better each day, though it never totally goes away. I always find myself thinking about what might have been. What sex would they be, what would they look like? And always I think ok right now they'd be 4 years old, just starting kindergarten. But believe me it gets a little better each day. I know nothing anyone can say will make you feel better. But in time you will heal. Here's hoping all our dreams come true!! ~~~Baby Dust~~~
| SC - June 15 |
Hi Drew, just read your message, thank you - am just glad that I am 'normal' and not weird for feeling the way I sometimes do. Am not dwelling on it but feel exactly as you mentioned every now and then. Don;t know about you but I was just seeking fertility advice after trying for a year when I fell pregnant so then didn;t have treatment - then had the miscarriage and because we had been able to concieve naturally it excluded us from being able to pursue fertility treatment until now - another 7 months after the miscarriage. It is frustrating seeing so many people around you getting pregnant really easily or being given fertility treatment alot quicker. Fingers crossed that the clomid works for everyone....
I know, I always wondered if they messed me up with the d&c, and maybe that caused the infertility. But then I found out I had pcos. I actually spent alot of time visiting my family doc, telling him that it was really hard to get pg again. He kept telling me it would happen with time. But then my breasts started leaking milk and I wasn't pg, so he sent me to my gyn who told me I had high prolactin levels. It was when they did the ultrasound for that (to see if there might be damage) they found all the cysts on my ovaries. Over a couple years I was off and on Metformin, and nothing was happening, so finally they started looking into things and decided I needed help getting pg. So its been a long almost five years of seeing negatives. Have you gotten a reason for your infertility? Have they told you why your having trouble conceiving? This whole process seems to take forever! I'm so scared that by the time something finally works, I'll be too old to have a baby!! lol
| SC - June 16 |
Hi drew
God it sounds like you really have been through it with the whole pregnancy things - what a long time to have to be trying. We have been married 5 years but started trying about 2 years ago - mainly because my husband is younger than me and I had been feeling more ready than him. I am now nearly 33 - how old are you Drew? The doctors can't work out why I am not conceiving - I have only detected ovulation once since the miscarriage and that was on the 1st round of clomid which has just gone. So at least I know it is working. I just have no idea what the problem is - they are going to investigate further if nothing happens after the 3rd round of clomid. I have been very stressed at work over the last 2 years, when I miscarried I had had a virus for a month beforehand and had contracted severe gastroenteritis whilst on holiday - anyway have recently given up my job and am looking to work parttime whilst I study for an interior design diploma so hopefully a change of tack will help. I am sure that lifestyle contributes alot to the whole getting pregnant thing.... How long are you having to take clomid for - and are you on 50g or 100g+? If anyone deserves to get pregnant it sounds like you do!x
Hey SC, yup its been a long grueling process. But thats life I guess! I'm 26 and dh is 28. We already have a beautiful seven year old daughter, but she too wants a little brother or sister....preferably a brother, so she's told us. She is not biologically dh's daughter, but he's been there since she was about 3 months old, so he's her daddy. But he's seen his brothers and sister have their own babies, and wants to go through pregnancy, child birth, and raising a baby from scratch. One thing you may want to ask your doctors to look into is polycystic ovarian disease/syndrome. I had a really easy time getting pregnant the first two times (my daughter was an oops) but since then its been nothing but trouble. I finally found out about the pcos and the meds I've been on for the past month and a half seem to be helping. Though I'm not pg (obviously) I know I o'd cause I got my period only a couple days later than I was supposed to. That is a big step for me cause I can go months without one. I started my second cycle of Clomid 100mg on the 7th, so I'm expecting to o sometime this weekend though were gonna bd every other day for the next week. I think yor plans are wonderful, working part time and school. It gives you something else to focus on, and hopefully ttc won't be as stressfull. Sometimes when your not thinking about it as much it just happens! Funny how that works..... We both REALLY deserve our babies, and I know it will happen for us. Lets keep our fingers crossed that this is our month!! ~~~Baby Dust~~~
| SC - June 17 |
Hi Drew, poor you - I am glad things look as though they are looking up a bit though. My husband dropped a bombshell last night - one of his friends/colleagues' girlfriend is pregnant - they have announced it at 6/7 weeks - apparently she was on the pill and it was an accident.... and they are aware of miscarriage early on as they know about me but said they are telling people as apparently if you get pregnant whilst on the pill your baby is stronger???? It just makes you realise how unfair life is but you just have to cope with what you are dealt with in the best way possible (I have tried to retain this way of thinking since having my leg crushed in a serious car accident, 10 years ago now) It is hard sometimes but I guess our time will come.... keep me posted as to what happens this cycle! I am due to finish up this cycle this weekend so onto 100mg clomid next week I hope (if not pregnant) 99% sure I am not as I don't feel it, just waiting for those lovely cramps to start! But looking forward to trying again next month!x
Wow SC, sounds like you have had a rough go at it too! I know how you feel about seeing other women get pregnant. My sister's best friend (she's like a part of the family) is pregnant also. She's six months, almost seven, and watching her grow each day kills me. I'm so happy for her, dont get me wrong. But when she starts asking me about certain things I experienced while pregnant with my daughter it makes me long even more for that feeling again. My daughter will be 7 in August, so it was awhile ago. Hey, you know sometimes when your least expecting it, it happens. Who knows, maybe you already are pregnant! My fingers are crossed for you!
Hey SC how are you today? Hope everything is well!