bbt question
3 Replies
Amy - July 2

Hello. I was just wondering if a regular thermometer would work in taking my temps? Would they be accurate enough? If not, where can I find a basal body thermometer? Wal-mart? Please get back with me someone. thank you:)


Nancy - July 2

I think u should use the Basal thermometer. It's really intended for conception purpose. You could find it in any pharmacy....i bought mine for $11 at shop rite...maybe you could also find that at Wal-Mart...just look at the pharmacy section.


Kerri - July 2

Yes, you can get one at wal-mart. I got mine at Walgreens and it was about 12.00. I would recommend a basal thermometer, it's more accurate.


Amy - July 2

Thank you girls. I really appreciate the replies. :) baby dust to you both!



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