21 Replies
tooth fairy - September 27

how long should you take robitussin after finishing clomid?


christy 18 - November 30

hey tay the ingrediant is only guaifenesin thats whats i started taking today ive been trying for about 3 month in a half and nothing i wanted to kn ow can it be any brand like i got mine at cvs it the cvs brand what do you think?


sososleepy - February 2

Guaifenesin can help thin, and possibly increase, our CM. There are no conclusive studies that I've been able to find that say beyond a doubt that we get a higher percentage chance of successful ttc, but I've tried it too.Sperm live, on average, a day or three, so I took the guaifenesin for two or three days before I expected to O. Ok, initially I was starting a week before, but after that much ttc and no success, I'm thinking the swimmers aren't as likely to be on that outer bell curve edge of surviving up to a week... so I'm concentrating on just the day before O now.


Bionic_Chipmunk - February 13

Hey everyone. That is what I am trying this month with the Clomid. I have already noticed a change in CM. I never thought about it before but, in hindsight, I don't recall ever having alot of CM. I know that I ovulate every month because of the OPK's and the mittelsmertz. I have been so absorbed in TTC that I forgot to check for my most fertile days with CM!! My DH and I make sure that we have intercourse once/day from day 8 to day 22 to increase our chances. I have been on the Clomid for 6 months now and nothing. So I thought, what the hell, let's try robitussin too. I have read that there is a good success rate of conception with robitussin. As Tay said, what we do when we are TTC. Take care everyone.


Tasman Bay Butterfly - April 9

When I take guaifenesin, it dries me out completely. It dries up cm.


TurnerBabyCraze - February 21

hey can someone help me out with explaining how this medicine helps?? I get the thinking of the CM but what does that do?



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