non-prescribed clomid
3 Replies
littleangelz - May 31

i am curious to find out how many fertile woman out there has taken clomid unprescribed! has it been a success? have you had twins or more or have you had major side affects? i dont want anyone to be judgemental or to say how wrong this is, i believe each and every person is to there own and lots of woman would have taken clomid for all different reasons weather it be prescribed or not. im more interested in how the majority of fertile woman can tell me how there experience with unprescribed clomid affected them. i fully understand the dangers of clomid when you dont have proper medical supervision but i also understand the heart ache involved when all you want is a baby to hold in your arms. to each and everyone out there i hope we all get our little miracles soon and wish everyone all the best with achieving our dreams.......


CarolinaCowgirl - June 19

Well, I am taking 100 mg of prescribed clomid (but my ob/gyn is a friend) and I dont have any infertility diagnosis whatsoever, so I'm not sure if I qualify. I'm on my first round and cd 23......but dont have a good feeling about it today. Yesterday I was very optimistic. Yeah, some people are judgemental....but I tell you, all of this is expensive.......I see why some venture the unprescribed route......just to get the rx, I had to pay a 100 dollar office visit. Should people with less financial means have less of a chance to conceive than those that have more? All I'm saying, is I see why some would consider the option. By the way.........I am not being monitored at all.........thank goodness, b/c that would really cost a fortune.


AYSIANA - July 26

Well hi there. Glad to hear Im not the only one. Im 30 yrs old and already have 3 beautiful healthy children. I never had any problem getting pregnany. Infact, I think I was overly fertile for previous years. Unfortunately, last year, on the 4th of July, I had a bad accident on my motorcycle. Stupidly, I wasnt wearing my helmet and almost died due to a severe traumatic brain injury. After my recovery, I never went back on birth control, but all this time, I never got pregnant. This was weird for me because in the past, Ive goten pregnant while on birth control. I asked my OBGYN if having a severe traumatic brain injury could interfere with my fertility, and he said probably not, hed never heard of that being a cause for infertility. He asked me if I was trying to get pregnant and said that if I was, he wouldnt consider any sort of treatment until after a year or two of trying, and then running expensive tests to see if I might need sort of treatment. Rather than go through all that time, trouble, and money, I took thinks into my own hands. Mostly because I could not afford to do everything my doctor would have required before prescribing. So Last month, I purchased some 50mg generic clomid, unprescribed. My cycle began on June 28th, 2008. I chose to do the 5-9 cycle days to take the clomid. I didnt really notice any side effects. I had sex on cycle days 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, and on day 20, Which was just a few days ago, June 21, I started having extremely faint lines on early pregnancy tests. I went to my doctors office and their urine pregnancy test was negative, but their blood pregnancy test was positive. Then on June 23rd, the positive early pregnancy test was very clearly positive. Today is the 25th, and my period wasnt even going to come until tomorrow, the 26th. But lucky for me, now I know its not coming. Im due on 4-4-2009. I have not, and do not plan on telling my doctor that I used clomid, so I have not, and will not be monitored for any side effects. The only thing Im a tiny bit worried about is having more than one baby, but if I do, it might not necessarily be because of the clomid. my mother is a twin, and my husband has 6 sets of twins in his family. Ill keep you guys posted! Wish me luck. And good luck to all the rest of you.


omi - September 29

Im interested in this as well...ive just bougth clomid online and having researched it extensively, ill start it my next cycle at the end of oct. I'll only take 50mg for a month to see..and then another if no luck- but thats it! Wish me luck!! :)



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