Does Metformin Help?
2 Replies
kat15 - March 18

i have been put on Metformin because of being insulin resistant and my doctor thinks i have pcos, My boyfriend and I have been wanting a baby of our own and have been trying, to concieve, I have been told that being on metforman can help in conveiving, can anyone tell me if it does or not and if so how long it might take?


elaiza - June 10

it does help but it varies from person to takes a lot of patience and luck.i was also on metformin when i was diagnosed with PCOS a year ago but i never get pregnant.


mara79 - July 2

yes it helps you conceive and it can also lose weight.however using it alone does not help woman with PCOS who is trying to conceive.this is what my gyne told me.



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