5 Replies
Sprinks15 - December 25

Hi! I have been TTC for a year. I am not able to ovulate naturally, or so it seems. I have just completed my second round of Clomid. First round was 100mg and I never ovulated. The second round was 150mg and I got a positive on the ovulation tester on day 18, so pretty late. I am now on day 32 with no period, but I don't think I am pregnant. (It is Christmas today and I didn't want to get depressed so I am not testing until the holiday is past!) My question is, has anyone else had to wait a long time for their period? How long? I have sore nipples and thick-ish discharge, but I feel like that is a prelude to my period.


Sprinks15 - December 25

Ah well. Of course. Today I got my period. Nevermind... maybe next month!


hope1824 - January 24

Hi Sprinks15 and everyone!

My husband and I have been TTC for over 2 years. I have no kids and have never been pregnant. It took me a long time to get in to see the fertility specialist because I am only 30. My periods were really irregular, I get approximately 5 a year so it's been a long process. My husband was tested and everything seems good with him. I recently had a HSG followed up by an ultrasound to ensure everything was ok with my fallopian tubes as well as the shape of my uterus (they were suspecting I either had a heart shaped uterus or a septum in the middle). The doctor also started me on Clomid in the fall as well. I actually had a period within 36 days so it was great and the bloodwork showed I ovulated and my progesterone level was really high like 184 so they think I released a few eggs. I was thinking finally things are starting to work least in teh right direction. I took the clomid for the second cycle then in early december and I still haven't started my period. I am not pregnant either. So yes I am waiting a long time for a period even though I took clomid. I have an appointment in a few weeks so I'm hoping they will discuss some other options with me. I just joined this site because I need to hear from other people who are in the same situation as me. I have too many friends and family who have no problems getting pregnant and don't understand how stressful this is. I try to stay positive but it's difficult. So much is unknown...
Would love to hear your stories and welcome any suggestions or advice on how to not let the stress of TTC without success take over my life.


hope1824 - January 24

Hi Sprinks15 and everyone!

My husband and I have been TTC for over 2 years. I have no kids and have never been pregnant. It took me a long time to get in to see the fertility specialist because I am only 30. My periods were really irregular, I get approximately 5 a year so it's been a long process. My husband was tested and everything seems good with him. I recently had a HSG followed up by an ultrasound to ensure everything was ok with my fallopian tubes as well as the shape of my uterus (they were suspecting I either had a heart shaped uterus or a septum in the middle). The doctor also started me on Clomid in the fall as well. I actually had a period within 36 days so it was great and the bloodwork showed I ovulated and my progesterone level was really high like 184 so they think I released a few eggs. I was thinking finally things are starting to work least in teh right direction. I took the clomid for the second cycle then in early december and I still haven't started my period. I am not pregnant either. So yes I am waiting a long time for a period even though I took clomid. I have an appointment in a few weeks so I'm hoping they will discuss some other options with me. I just joined this site because I need to hear from other people who are in the same situation as me. I have too many friends and family who have no problems getting pregnant and don't understand how stressful this is. I try to stay positive but it's difficult. So much is unknown...
Would love to hear your stories and welcome any suggestions or advice on how to not let the stress of TTC without success take over my life.


hhoward2012 - January 29


My Husband and I have been TTC for a year now with no luck. My doctor put me on Clomid 50 mg 3-7. This is my first cycle being on the clomid and I am currently on day 3 of taking the clomid. No side effects so far, just some mild mood swings. Back in November my husband was checked to see if he had any issues, His morphology came back abnormal and his count was normal but low. So he started taking FertilAid for men and everything has improved to normal! I am also on Metformin for PCOS symptoms, but every scan they have done of my overies I have never had cysts. Wish me luck!


augusta8410 - March 29

This is my 2nd cycle on clomid and my body has been acting real funny. A week after my cycle i began to cramp in the middle of the night. Than a week after that i had the worst pelvic pain in the world; I could barely walk. This happened for about 6 hours then stopped. Lately ive been having a lot of gas, uti syptoms, pulling feelings in pelvic and a lot of pelvic pressure. My period should be coming on next week and i've been having light cramping. I took a Pregnacy test but it came back negative. Has anyone have this happen to them?



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