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successgain - March 30

What should I be careful about?

Eating regularly and nutritiously and drinking lots of water.
Resting when you can—and when your body needs it.
Exercising (with your doctor’s consent).
Relaxing by meditating, listening to music or yoga.
Staying away from stressful situations, when possible.
Talking—to your partner, friends, relatives and health care professionals.
Going to all your Prenatal : Existing or occurring before birth . Also known as antenatal .', WIDTH, 450, TITLE, 'Glossary', '', true, FADEIN, 300, FADEOUT, 300, STICKY, 1, OFFSETX, -20, CLOSEBTN, true, CLICKCLOSE, true)"

Avoid activities that increase your risk of falls or injury, such as contact sports or vigorous sports.
After the first 3 months of pregnancy, it is best to avoid exercising while lying on your back, since the weight of the baby may interfere with blood circulation.
Also avoid long periods of standing.

Most women find it hard to feel comfortable as their pregnancy progresses.

It is alright to sleep in any comfortable position except on the belly.

Try to rest as much as possible. You may often feel very tired,particularly in the first and third trimesters. Sense of well being will be there between 3rd and 8th month. Even if you cannot sleep during the day, put your feet up whenever you can.

Most important is positive outlook and involvement of spouse. Husband should be empathetic, supportive and proactive. After all you are the blessed one with pregnancy, which is elusive to 30% of couples.



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