1st IUI (5/31) Questions
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runnershirl - June 1

This is my first IUI and after checking other forums the last couple weeks, I'm fairly comfortable that my method of treatment is pretty common thus far.

I'm 38- using femara, gonalf (75) and ovidrel on cd10pm, IUI (cd12 am). Yes, I was a bit nautious from meds, but that passed. The IUI was uneventful and pain free, but following, I've had pretty consistent cramps higher (by belly button) than I would have expected. I understand that's common too. For the IUI, we had 2 mature follicles (u/s on cd9) and 1 immature follie (and was told to take an extra day of gonalf. DH's count was 23 mill for the IUI, with good motility and traveling "rapid".

So, I've tried to do as little as possible today, but as you know, it's hard to lay around and do nothing. Being this is my 1st, I wanted to take no chances, but did have to get up to move around with the dog several times. Moments ago, upon urinating I discovered a "plop" as a small quarter sized amount of mucous fell out...not sure what to call it...more like EWCM, but it all happened so fast. Nothing on tissue except one almost invisible spot of blood, with one very tiny spot also in the mystery mucous. Is this common? Could this be residual sperm? I'm having a hard time sleeping now wondering if I moved around too much today, or whether it's good or bad. You all know how hard it is to keep a handle on our emotions and right now, I want to be hopeful, but giving the statistics, I don't know if this is a real likelihood with IUI or if I'm just getting hopeful. Any thoughts/suggestions? Advice? Also, noticing that my dr. doesn't really tell you what's next..I know I get a progesterone test in a week (not sure why--isn't that early?) but, what's next--wait 2 weeks for accurate prego test? Anything else?



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