Respectful Survey Request to help improve IUI in USA
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lewiseri - June 12

It was suggested by an active member that I post here, and I appologize if I offend. I have personally experienced infertility including miscarriage and understand how sensitive the topic is. At the same time, I am working on a project I believe could help thousands of women concieve without IVF. Please consider helping me by filling out the following survey.


We are students at the University of Michigan Business School conducting a study designed to better understand the potential for a new infertility treatment for our client RSL. The data gathered in this process will be used to help create a plan for introducing this innovative product to patients in the U.S. which could greatly benefit women and couples who have difficulty with having a child. By participating in the survey and expressing your opinions, you have an opportunity to impact future infertility treatment options.

EVIE is a simple, disposable device designed to improve the success rate of intrauterine insemination (IUI). IUI is a reproductive method in which sperm is placed directly into the uterus by injection through a catheter.

IUI is minimally invasive, low risk and more affordable than other artificial reproductive techniques (ART) such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). The price of an IUI cycle varies considerably in the US, due to the inclusion or exclusion of various expenses such as medications, blood work and sonograms. This compares favorably to the average price for IVF. Despite of traditional IUI’s pricing advantage, it is often not sufficient to achieve pregnancy due to a relatively low success rate.

As opposed to traditional IUI, which releases a single bolus of highly concentrated sperm in an enriched medium into the uterus, the EVIE slowly releases sperm over a four hour period, thereby more closely simulating natural insemination. Based on clinical trials in Germany and Israel, EVIE has produced results suggesting that it may significantly increase the success rate of IUI compared to traditional IUI.

The EVIE device is patented in the US and EU (US Patent 7,331,923 B2). EVIE is CE approved (2010) for sale in European Union countries and FDA approved (2010) for sale in the United States and dependencies.

Your participation in this survey is anonymous and voluntary and will take approximately 10 minutes.
You may answer any questions you like, or stop at any time. This information may be included in whole or in part within a final report.

We would like to collect opinions of as many people as possible before the end of July, 2011, so please pass along the link to any of your friends and family that you think might be interested. The success of the project depends greatly on your participation in the study. Thank you for your time.




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