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Kristin P - July 17

HI, I am on cycle number 5. My husband has poor morphology and is at a 3 Krueger, I have Facotr Five and well, I'm on blood thinners and thyroid meds for hyperthyroiditis (if that isn't enough to make ur head spin) Cycle number one was with Clomid and resulted in a big fat neg and a cyst. Cycle 2-4 were with 150IU of Follistim and Ovidrel for the trigger. Cycle 4 resulted in low progesterone and I had to take Prometrium suppositories for 10 days and also resulted in a neg. All cycles have produced atleast one follicle at a 17 or 18 - best results from my left ovary it seems with a trigger on day 5.
This cycle however is really weird. Started Follistim 250 on day 3 for 5 days on 5th day u/s showed follicles at 18 and 16. Took took one more dose follistim at 150 then trigger the next day. Been heavily cramping since second day of insemination. Progesterone test was low at 6 so giving me another Ovidrel tonight.
U/S today showed multi cysts - is that normal since my progesterone is low?
Does it mean I am going to release all those follicles with second dose of Ovidrel?
Are they likely at this point to all turn into cysts?
UGH!!!! Who can lend some info? Please Help!!!



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