fluid in my uterus lining
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matumbino - June 14

Hi Ladies: I will go through a FET next month after my previous failed IVF. In that failed IVF, my lining was thin (6 mm) and had a little fluid. I took estrogen pill during the first 2 weeks (8 mg/day) then in the last 2 w they added 4 mg/day vaginally. Unfortunately i didn't get fluffier and still that fluid... I heard about having an orgasm (so i did it) and the fluid was just gone at my last scan, but unfortunetaly my lining was at 3... So the cycle was cancelled...
The doctor asked me to go through a HSG (to be sure that the fluis was not coming from scar tissues - and my tubes were opened) and the test was positive (i mean nothing wrong appeared).
So i am starting my FET cycle with high level of estrogen pills (8mg per day orally and 4 mg per day vaginally). Of course i hope it works this time! But i read some posts and some ladies seem to have fluid because they have too high level of estrogen. I am scared and don't know what to think... I would like to be fluffy this time with no issue! Do you ladies have the same experience or heard about? thanks - Anna



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