Blacked Out
4 Replies
Julie - August 15

Is getting blacked out a symptom of pregnancy?


olivia - June 17

the body is using all of the blood supply to promote the growth of the baby which causes you to pass out/blacked out. so yes it's a sign of pregnancy and it's common among women.


lalai - July 4

when i gave birth to my first child i experienced blacked out and it was weird because i fell on my feet like for the first time in my whole life. my gyne said it was normal. luckily, on my 2nd & 3rd, i haven't experienced it anymore.


sheila - July 26

not all women experienced this but yes it's normal. when you are pregnant, you're going through some changes that sometimes you're body are not able to adjust immediately.


samantha - July 29

blacked out? i don't know, haven't experienced this with my 4 kids. nausea and dizzy yes but a total blacked out, i just think it's impossible. it might be something else.



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