how many fertitly tests??
4 Replies
zklamont - March 21

Okay my husband and I have been ttc for 2 years. I just had a hysterosalphingogram. Everything was fine but now they want to do a Laparoscopy??? I just dont understand why they want to do this if everything is okay?? Does anyone know? At first the Dr said that after the first test if everything was fine she would start me on clomid. But now it changes, could they might not be telling me everything?? HELP


Sonyamac - May 1

they probably want to flush your tubes.


nursebaby26 - July 3

If everything was fine with your HSG there is no reason why they should "need" to do the laparoscopy. I think you should tell your MD your concerns and maybe they would try clomid for 4-6 months with possible IUI before doing the lap. procedure.


gyna007 - November 19

If you are interested in finding out useful information about male and female infertility treatment, causes, diagnosis, symptoms, fertility tests or infertility cost, I recommend you this site


dulsieviju - September 3

may be they wanted to view if there is a problem in your overies like cysts and so they can do drilling or puncture ovarian cysts



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