Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
Celia B - August 8

I had an HSG on April 21st of this year and I just got my BIG FAT POSITIVE YESTERDAY I had been TTC for 3+ years. I have 3 other children. I had taken the depo shot 2 times and in 2001 and since had not been able to get pregnant. Am going to the Dr. to confirm but I do indeed feel something is different.


Jen - August 10

Thank you thank you everyone who answered so many of my questions. Sarah you gave me so much hope. I am 30, have PCOS and have been trying for over a year. We tried clomid by itself and last cycle we did gonal-F shots and IUI, it didn't work. We are trying again this time. My HSG is tomorrow at noon (8/10/05) I hope I become one of the lucky ones! Good luck to you all! For the person who asked
TTC=trying to conceive, AF=Aunt flow/period, IUI=interuteral insemination, HPT=homepregnancy test, hope that helps!


Johanna - August 10

Congradulations Celia on your baby. Im soo happy for you. I hope I am Preg too. I have to wait till monday atleast to see if my AF doesnt show up. So im a nervous reck. But its good to hear good new atleas that keeps me positive and focused.


Lindsey - August 10

I had an HSG in July and my period is 4 days late. I tested, but I get BFNs. I hope the HSG helps get me pregnant soon!


Celia - August 11

Lindsey: My period wasnt even late and my test came back positive.


eb - August 11

I had HSG on 8/10/2005. Felt like bad cramps. My tubes are completely blocked seeing fetility specialist on 8/29 anyone know what comes next?


Nikki - August 12

I had my first HSG done on Friday July 29th. I got my period this morning/afternoon Aug 12 which is 3 days earlier than usual or what definately appears to be my period. I'm suppose to start my first round of CLOMID on day 5 of my cycle. Does anyone know if I start counting from today or do I count from tomorrow which would be my first full day? I'm confused. I know I'm suppose to take it from day 5 through day 9. Can anyone help me out? Thanks.


eb - August 12

Hey Nikki it's been several years since i've taken clomid. I remember that you count the first day you start , so i would count from today.


chrissie - August 12

Any success story after a lap. pls share , i have blocked tubes ,i would like to hear some success stories


Dianne - August 13

Nikki, you start counting from today. I did 3 cycles on Clomid (day 4 - 8); unfortunately it didn't work for me, but good luck!


Nikki - August 14

Thank you eb and Dianne for your help. I'm really glad I found this web site. Starting my first round (hoping the only round) of clomid on Tuesday. Anyone have any side effects from clomid? Keeping everyone in my prayers for babies babies babies.....


eb - August 14

I remember being very moody from the clomid. I also had hot flashes. Nothing major though. I am waiting to see my fetility specialist on 8/29 too see what comes next because both my tubes are blocked. Good luck with the clomid


Nikki - August 15

Eb~ What have you had done beside an HSG? I know you've tried clomid with no luck. Were you on clomid before having the HSG? Because I've been told (as you may already know) if you're tubes are blocked, clomid won't help at all. Have you gone the IUI route? I'm not sure what happens when your tubes are blocked. Let me know what happens on 8/29. Good luck.


eb - August 15

I was on clomid about 6 years ago when i was married the first time ( we divorced b/c of all the stress ect) anyway i didn't ovulate then now six years later I'm ovulating fine just went through rotine blood test and hsg, guess the fertility dr will decide what to do next. Good luck to you too, i'll be checking in.


Johanna - August 17

Hi everybody. Well my AF came down late this mo. Like 4 days late. I thought for sure maybe I was preg. but that was not the case. So I start my first Clomid pills on this cycle on day 5. The Dr also ordered some Novarel injections. I think they are Hcg inj. Not sure why I have to do both shots an Clomid. Maybe because he said my progesterone levels are very low. Im very nervous and dont know what to expect with taking clomid. Hopefully all will go well and I will not need to have to take 2 or 3 cycles of clomid. Wish me luck. And Baby dust to all.


Lisa (TTC 6months) - August 18

Hey Johanna, I will be starting Clomid next month, I am nervous as well. I have been trying for 6 months. I had a HSG in May 05. I have irregular periods, so every month I do not receive my AF therefore it brings my hopes of being pregnant. Every month I have to endure a blood pregancy test before I can take provera. It is a vicious cycle but I have only been trying for 6 monts. My husband is fine, I am fine as well. My friend was on Clomid for two cycles and when she went to see her DR. for the third cycle, SHE WAS PREGNANT. she is now 30 weeks. This gives me hope knowing clomid worked for her. I wish you the best of luck and baby dust to you all.



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