| bl - May 31 |
bciervo, thanks for your words of encouragement. p.s. My name is Brooke too!!
bl-Brooke, I really think your DR should ALWAYS rule out a tumor. Just to be sure. But, if you're taking Bromo.... you should be okay either way.... I don't know... I hear you should always check for tumor before taking Bromo. My levels were only slightly elevated (no ovulation or period though) my repro. endo. did an MRI anyway. I don't have a tumor... they are really unsure what is causing it. I started bromo three weeks ago.
I also have high prolactin and posted on here already before. First test was 34, 2nd was 49. I have faxed my form in for an MRI and may have to wait till July for it which sucks. I have an appt with an RE on Monday. I hope they will give me the meds without waiting for the MRI??
I ovulate and have a period every single month. I chart so I know for a fact that I ovulate and my obgyn looked at my charts and said for sure, did a 7dpo blood test and it confirmed ovulation. I have heard through these forums that it can affect implantation but can't find a single mention of that on the internet. They always mention no period and no ovulation for high prolactin but that isn't the case with me. I hope I get the answers I am looking for on Monday!
Hi there- I am the same as you. My period and ovulation occur every month. The only thing that has changed is the length- before it was 28-32 days- now I have consistently had 28 day cycles - 3 in a row. My doc said I would see that- so I have at least that to feel good about right now. I guess every doc is different and uses different scales. Because my prolactin was slightly elevated, they use a scale to determine if an MRI is needed. The only way we knew prolactin was wacky was due to blood test- I had no other symptoms. We also have been trying A/I- this month we will try again, if it doesn't work, then I guess sometime in July my doc wants to do a laparoscopy to look inside.
We need more good news on here! Brooke
Did your doctor say why the hig prolactin isn't affecting your ovulation and why it would cause infertility of that part was okay?
| bl - June 1 |
I was also ovulating and having regular periods. The high prolatin was causing problems with my leutal phase. I would have spotting 10-12 post ovulation. My ob has me take 200 mg of progesterone four days post ovulation. Is anyone else taking prog?
I also take progesterone 2 dpo each month in case of pregnancy. The parlodel is helping to make my cycles a regular 28 day each month. Before it was 28-32- which late ovulation can be a reason for not achieving pregnancy and implanting. My doc said because my level was slightly high then that's why ovulation/periods weren't affected too much. I don't know how long it takes though- I'm going on 6 months.
| bl - June 2 |
bciervo, My cycles are now regular since being on bromo. I used to have 35 days in a cycle and o on day 19 or 20! Now I o on day 15 with 29 days per cycle. My ob said as long as I o and have regular periods the chances of getting pregnant are really good. It sounds like we have similar situations. When do you go for A/I? My period is due tues and waiting is so hard. Don't worry it will happen soon!
bl- How long have you been on bromo? Do you think a DR would prescribe clomid to move quickly on conceiving if my cycles weren't normal, but my prolactin levels were back to normal? I was just curious as to how long it has taken you to get normal cycles since being on Parlodel. I've only been on it a month... no period and no signs of ovulation.
| bl - June 2 |
Hi Holland, I've been on bromo since March. I have always gotten a regular period even though my prolactin started at 80. I'm not currently taking clomdid, so I'm not sure. What is your dose of parlodel? I know it can take a little while to lower the level.
| bl - June 2 |
Holland I think I misread part of your question. It took the first month of taking the bromo for my cycle to be 29 days. My cycles had always been 35 days.
bl- I hope it works for us soon! Sometime next week will be A/I- not sure yet- I go in for ultrasound monitoring a few days before o'ing- to watch the follicle- I always have a good one and husband's sperm is excellent. We did achieve pregnancy before- but it just isn't happening again!! I guess we need to just hang in there! That's great your cycles are becoming more regular- I hope that is a sign that it will happen for us soon!!! Keep in touch! And I hope your period is a no show tomorrow!
| bl - June 5 |
Does anyone else have spotting days before their period comes? I'm taking progesterone, so I though it would take care of this issue. Maybe this common for women with high prolactin?
| bl - June 5 |
Hi bciervo, we were posting at the same time. I'm trying to stay positive, but I think this month is a bust. The last week of my cycle turns me into a crazy woman! It's so hard not to read into every little sign. I think I will give it one more month and then get a second opinion with an re. I will keep my fingers crossed for a successful a/i .
Hi, I am new here but have read the thread thoroughly.I am 31,ttc #1 for 11 months, was diagnosed with high prolactin levels 79.5 in january 2006.Had 35 day cycles.ovulated 17th to 19th day. OB put me on Bromo.Been on it for 4 months.My cycles have shortened to 29days and I have been ovulating on the 14-15th day for last three months.Levels now are 25. RE switched me to Dostinex which I started a week ago.HSG normal,all other bloodwork normal,DH sperm analysis normal. I am also starting clomid and IUI this cycle. Is there anyone out there with a problem similar to mine?I would ove to hear. Also any news from Rachael,Tiffany,Bridgette...although I dont know you ladies, i have followed your stories and would love to hear from your ends.thanks!
I have not had any spotting with high prolactin.I should ask the RE about taking progesterone. I was told that even though you may ovulate regularly with high prolactin ,you could have implantation problems. That gets one to thinking that progesterone may be a big help in the luteal phase. any thoughts?