high PROLACTIN levels
599 Replies
TEENA - September 16



Lisa - September 18

I have a microadenoma on the pituitary gland as well as high prolactin. My symptoms are the OPPOSITE of typical elevated prolactin levels: heavy periods. I do NOT want to get pregnant, and have been on 5 different birth control pills that were unable to properly regulate my periods. I am NOT looking to get pregnant, but I would like to regulate my elevated prolactin, as well as my periods. Does anyone know if Bromo or Destinex are options for people who are NOT looking to get pregnant???


Jenny - September 19

5 years ago I was found to have elevated prolactin levels (odd cycles and milk expression led me to be tested). It took 3 different doctors before 1 of them took me seriously enough to do something about it. I had an MRI (WITH CONTRAST --- this is very important as you may not be able to see a growth in the pituitary without it). I have a microadenoma that was treated with Dostinex for 3 1/2 years successfully (while also on BCP). 1 1/2 years ago, my husband and I decided to try to have a baby. I am now on Bromocriptine 2.5mg 3x daily -- even though there are more side effects to this medication, it has withstood the test of time and no side effects have been shown to effect an unborn child (my doc doesn't trust dostinex when ttc). As of lab tests last week, my prolactin levels are down to 3. The only problem, my cycles are still quite long.

Does anyone know if there are issues having a healthy baby if ovulation is delayed to day 33-35? My Luteal Phase stays between 13 to 16 days.


Patty - September 19

Hi! I, too, have a pituitary tumor and was first prescribed Bromocriptine. After about two weeks of being on it, my endocrinologist put me on Dostinex due to the immense side effects I was experiencing. My endocrinologist told me that most people do not tolerate the Bromocriptine very well, but are ususally put on it first by their drs. as it is much, much cheaper than the Dostinex. Once you have been on the Bromocriptine and have experienced the side effects, they can then prescribe the Dostinex. Does anyone know if pregnancy is a possibility if not on the medication to lower the prolactin levels? Thanks!


Tiffany Jo - September 20

Jenny, I am so happy to hear that somebody else is on Bromo and trying to get pregnant. My husband and I are also trying to have another baby. I have also been concerned about being on meds while TTC. I was also given the option of Bromo or Dostinex and went with the Bromo because it has been around longer and studied longer with regards to fetal effects. My endocrinologist thinks I am crazy to stay on Bromo and not go on Dostinex d/t side effects but I am willing to put up with them. My OB recommended Bromo also. With any luck, we will have a normal pregnancy. As you can see from previous postings this has been a major concern of mine. Good Luck!


Nicky - September 21

I haven't been on for a while though I have been reading up on everyone but just wondering Kelly on your endo's decision to have surgery. I am a bit terrified because I have been on bromocriptine for a few months and I am starting to notice blurry vision and of course that causes headaches. My next appt is not until mid-Oct. I hope that the tumor is not growing so I put a call into the doctor to see what I need to do. I really want to have a baby but this whole situation scares me. So anyways, how was the decision made for surgery vs. more meds?


Rina - September 21

Kelly, how big was your tumor. Was it a macroadenoma or a mictroadenoma?


Tiffany Jo - September 22

Nicky: The tumor may be pressing down on your optic nerve causing visual disturbances or maybe a side effect to meds. You are doing the right thing by checking with your Dr. Have you had a recent neuro test or visual field test? Do you know how large your tumor was at initial testing?


Nicky - September 22

Tiffany, I'm not sure exactly how large it was but I was told it was labeled as a micro. I also have the feeling that it may be on the optic nerve like you said and am worried with what needs to be done. My endo was not very suportive at my initial visit so I am not looking forward to my appt. I am so worried.


Jennie - September 22

Has anyone on this site -conceived while on dostinex?


samaira asim - September 24

hi,my prolactin level report is 51.3 what is meaning of this.pls tel me


Carla - September 26

I am doing the pre-testing for the IVF, my prolactine is 40! do you think this will affect the IVF


Mackenzie - September 26

I'm not trying to get pregnant, but I want to stop lactating. I have lactated for 5 years. I have raised prolactin levels. Has anyone else experienced trouble waking up in the morning, weight gain, lactation and so on because of this. I don't know what causes the raised prolactin. I don't have a brain tumor. Any suggestions?


Lora - September 28

I also have been diagnosed with high prolactin. My level was 39. It's now been about 4 months without AF. Prior to this I was on the BCP for 7 years. I'm now taking Dostinex .25 (1/2 a pill) twice a week. DH and I want to get pg
right away. Seems like some people on this site have had success with getting pg after taking Dostinx. Just wondering what dosage you were taking and for how long. Thanks!


JoLouie - September 28

Can anyone try an point me in the right direction. I feel as though no one cares about our situation. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17 and put on Spironolactone, however, it was not properly discussed with me then, and i saw no real benefits using it, so i stopped taking it. I had always had what i thought to be reasonably "normal" cycles ranging from 31-42 day for years. In 2001/2002, my Dr. put me on BC and then the weight just poured on. I have gained 100lbs in 3 yrs!! We have been trying to conceive for almost a year, but no luck. I had an ultrasound in Aug.04 because i was having abdominal pain, and they found a 10cm cyst on one of my ovaries. In Oct they did another ultrasound, and that one was gone. However a 10mm Follicle was there. Is that the start of another cyst?? They also discovered that i have a bicornuate uterus. My mother hit menopause at 30, and i am 28 now. If genetics plays a role, i don't have much time. i feel like there is no hope for a baby. Has anyone gone through any of this. If so, what did your Dr. do for you, and how long did it take.
Sounds like i'm whining, i know, but for those of you who understand, you will know the feeling i have deep within, and why i seek some answers. If the Dr's won't help, i'll help myself (with your help too) Thanks for the shoulder to lean on.


Amy - October 4

I have a very high level of prolatine level of 98 (last test result) and don't have regular period since Jan. Since this Jan, I had only three period (Feb, June and August) and don't know when to expect again. I did go and see a Endocrologist in July and she put me on Bromo which was a nightmare to me. After reading all your comments and experience here, I felt much better. I am wondering if someone can give me some suggestion on: 1. Shall I talk to my encro to switch to Dontinex instead? I doubted that she will agree for I don't feel that she is caring enougth... or I should talk to my Gyn instead? 2. My husband and I have been trying for our second child for a while, but no success because of my high prolatine level. I am interested in trying Donetix but not sure about its side effects. Could someone share some experience regarding that? Many thanks!



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