Hello Ladies,
I too had my first IUI on 11/23 and am now in my 2WW! ITS COMPLETE TORTURE!!!! i have become a compulsive POAS addict! got a false BFP from Ovidrel, testing to early on 11/29 only 6dpiui. Now im waiting until 12/7 to officially test. Good luck to everyone in their 2ww and ttc!
EHK I have just finished my cycle of clomid so now I'm on day 11 of my cycle I start ovulation test 2mar. Gudluck
Babywanted I understand how u feel, it does feel like torture I can imagine how im going 2 b after my iui I just pray 4 d best. Gudluck wit u also keep us posted.
Nikki101 i lied, i thought i was gonna wait but i couldnt help myself. I read somewhere that OPKs can sometimes detect pregnancy, so since i have a few of those i have been POAS hoping to get a BFP. They arent positive yet, but yesterdays was darker than the day before. im trying to keep hope alive! lol. but good luck to you! FC!!!
I never heard of that, but that's a good question to ask a doctor.
Well today i POAS again. OPK and it was BFP! then i took EPT hpt and another BFP!!!!! so im counting this one as the real deal, being as tho its 11p trigger shot and 10piui. Ill go and get beta on monday. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gudluck, congrats hope u got ur lil one on d way I know ur happy just 2 c d bfp I go in for my 1st iui 2mar I pray to God it b a success
I have read almost every single post on every infertility site I could find over the last couple of months. I have been trying to concieve with my husband for almost 2 1/2 years now. My cycles are not always on schedule and sometimes I can go multiple months without a period. (1st problem) I have been on clomid days 3-7 and proverra for over a year now with no luck. I have a HSG which showed my tubes were clear. My doctor says everything appears to be normal so he has no explanation to why we havent concieved yet. I was scheduled to have my first ever IUI on saturday 24 hours after the injection of HCG, my husband had problems and could not produce a sample. Sunday morning he was and we had our IUI but 48 hours after the HCG injection, this makes me worry a bit. He also told me that my husbands sample showed low numbers and motility. The IUI was so incredibly painful, I was in tears for much of it. I laid in his office for 20mins and then when straight to bed and watched movies for 4 hours afterwards. I am so nervous this isnt going to work because we did it at 48 hours instead of 24. I go next week for a progesterone level check and he also wants to check my coagulation levels because I bleed alot during the procedure. So my date of testing is the 18th, could this be my early christmas gift??? I am getting very frustrated.....
| EHK - December 6 |
Welcome beach! I understand your frustrations completely although my husband and I have not been trying as long as you have. We have been trying a year with a chem. pregnancy and an ectopic. The ectopic was 6 months ago and since we have done 5 medicated cycles with 3 IUI's with no luck. Enought about me though! I don't think you have anything to worry about with the IUI being 48 hours afterwards. My Dr's office does them at 36 hours but I have heard of several woman on here that have them done at 48 hours. Look at it this way, they say that most women will ovulate 36 hours after the shot and the egg will live usually about 24 hours so I think you are definitely within the window to conceive! I am wondering if the pain you were having was ovulation pain. I sometimes get really strong ovulation pain with the shot, especially if I have more than one follicle. How may follicles did you have and what was your husband's exact sperm count?
Nikki Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!! Well today i got my first beta# 140 at 13dpiui, im so excited, but now i feel i can relax a little and enjoy it moreso now than before.
Beach- im sorry to hear that you experienced so much pain. Every woman is different, but wow, tears. ouch! i read that an empty bladder can lead to more discomfort, which is kinda crazy bc the first thing they ask is "do you need to use the restroom?" On a lighter note, i definitely think your still in the runnings. i had my iui done 22 hours after trigger, but i had already gotten my surge and VIOLA!!! Everyones body is on different schedule, so dont worry. i was so obsessed that i wasnt going to get it on the first try and i did! so just try to relax, which is nearly impossible on this 2ww! Baby dust and sticky vibes to you.
also NIKKI GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I only had one folicle, the only med I took was clomid to aid in the production of the follicle and then the HCG shot to make me ovulate. The blood came from my cervix when he put the clamp on and that was where all the pain came from. He said my cervix has a kink in it... not sure what that means though... Stupid question what a beta test everyone talks about? My bladder was full my doctor told me it is better that way. Thank you for giving me a little relaxation about the 48 hours...
| EHK - December 7 |
Not a stupid question! I beta is the blood test they do to determine if you are pregnant. It is usually quantitative, meaning they will tell you the exact amount of HCG in your system.
As for me, I just found out that my 3rd IUI did not work. AF came this morning. I am ok though because I have had a feeling she was coming for the past couple of days so no suprise here. My husband and I decided to take a little break after this. We have an appointment with our RE on Mon and we know he is going to suggest IVF and a lap to see if my endo has come back. I am going to go ahead with with the lap but we will wait and save for IVF for a few months. Who knows, maybe we will miraculously get pregnant on our own. I am actually really looking forward to this break.
Thanks wanted baby I'm keep the faith in God that it's going to be a success.
Does anyone know what the progesterone test is for?
Nikki, bHCG (beta) and Progesterone testing are usually done in early pregnancy to monitor progression and detect ectopic or falling pregnancies. Some Drs prescribe progesterone if you body doesnt produce enough to help with healthy pregnancy. It can also be used to detect Infertility or monitor ovulation.