First time IUI success?
1524 Replies
olgakay0518 - December 7

Hello jennestrela and babysophy, I'm not going to give up and going for my next cycle right away again on follistim. This would make it IUI #4 .Going for my day three ultrasound and blood work this Wednesday. babysophy I know how you feel, I'm tired too, but we gotta move forward and hope for the best. One day it will happen. For me yesterday was tough because it was my sister in laws baby shower and then my other sister in law gave us invitations for her baby shower in January. But today is a new day and I'm hoping for the best.


babysophy - December 8

olgakay0518 you are a fighter! I will keep you in my prayers and hope that it will happen soon for you and I. I've decided to take this month off with all the holidays and birthdays (my sister and I) coming up it's going to a bit hard. I feel bad for missing work with all my doctors appointment. My husband and I will start fresh next year and decide if we would like to continue with the medication or have surgery. I think my 30th birthday will be my lucky year :) It will happen soon and I can't wait.


olgakay0518 - December 11

babysophy, I'll miss you. I liked having the same cycle as you and share the news. :( I'm having my IUI sometime next week. I wish you luck.


cdefonso - December 11

Hello all - so glad I found this forum. Just reading the posts of others going through the same thing has been so comforting. I understand the frustration and disappointment at not being able to conceive. I'm going through my first IUI cycle right now, using Follistim and Ovidrel. I'm 39 and have been trying to conceive for almost a year now. My OB/GYN put me on clomid for 3 cycles, and nothing happened so my husband and I saw a fertility specialist who suggested going straight to IVF, but we wanted to try at least one cycle of IUI. So far the follicles are growing normally. I started wtih 75 of Follistim, and I guess we'll do the actual IUI sometime next week. Good luck to all of you - thank you for sharing your stories.


babysophy - December 11

Olgakay0518 I miss you too this cycle. This month will be all natural for us :) I've been having a glass of wine everynight since Saturday. Make sure you keep us updated and happy holidays! cdefonso, welcome to this forum. I wish you good luck on the iui hopefully it will work and you don't have to pay thousands of dollars on IVF.


cdefonso - December 11

olgakay0518 - looks like we're on the same cycle - I had my day 3 US on Weds too! My doc wants me in every other day to check follicles. Don't know what to expect with my first time, hopefully IUI is next week sometime. Husband's b-day is next Saturday - he thinks it would be special to conceive on his birthday! We'll see how things go. Good luck to you!


olgakay0518 - December 13

Hello and welcome cdefonso. I wish you luck and hope it works for you from the first IUI. For me this is 4th IUI. I'm also on follistim. Today is going to be my 6th shot of 116. At this point I'm going for ultra sound everyday because I'm almost ready. I have 4 follicles (2 on each side). All of them about size 14.5. My advise to you, try to not think too much about the whole process, because you can stress too much. Also try not to take an early pregnance test. It's really hard . Keep us posted.


cdefonso - December 14

I went in for US this morning and one follicle is at 17 already - rest are 11-12. Have to do US again tomorrow, possibly do IUI on Thurs. I feel disappointed. I am trying to stay positive, but with only one follicle ripe for IUI, doesn't that mean we're pinning 100% of hopes on chance of one egg coming out? But thanks for advice olgakay0518 - I will try not to think about it or stress too much. I know it's nothing I can control, it is what it is. Looks like your follicles are growing at a consistent rate - excellent! Good luck...


Lilrach015 - December 14

Yea so Clomid ruined my life this month. Did my first IUI Nov 3rd, Progesterone level was only .03 so they had me do Clomid. I use the clearblue monitor and i was on "high" since day 14, and just now went back to Low today which is cycle day 28. My cycles usually are anywhere to 30-33 days. So! I for so me reason didn't ovulate this month, and the past 2 months I had mid cycle spotting. Has anyone else experienced this?


olgakay0518 - December 14

cdefonso, don't get upset. You never know maybe the follicle that is 12 will be ready by the time you have IUI. Mine were 14.5 yesterday and today were 16. And in any case I had 5 last month and still didn't get pregnant. Maybe you have one, but it's the one. You just never know. :)


olgakay0518 - December 15

Going for IUI tomorrow morning.


cdefonso - December 15

Had another US today, one follicle at 20, and another at 13. Looks like the rest stopped growing. LH is still really low, so depending on bloodwork today, might have IUI on Thursday or Friday. Going back in for bloodwork tomorrow. olgakay0518 - good thoughts and prayers coming your way tomorrow morning. Let us know how it goes!


olgakay0518 - December 16

cdefonso, this IUI I had no cramping and don't feel bloaded. Now I just have to wait for the longest 2 weeks. I wish you luck and hopefully it works for you from the first time. :)


cdefonso - December 16

Bloodwork this morning showed my body had surged LH to 20.5 on its own (no Ovidrel) so we had to reschedule IUI from Friday to tomorrow instead! Don't want to miss the egg. olgakay0518 - glad it went well this morning. No cramping or bloating - is that a good sign? Did you lay down afterwards? Are you taking any progesterone now or anything else to help things along? Are you going back in a week for a blood test? Guess we'll both know by New Year's Eve whether we can have that glass of champagne or not! Good luck to YOU!!!


First Time Mommy to be - December 17

I did 2 IUIs and am now preparing for my 3rd. For my first I had a 22mm follicle and I was inseminated 24 hours post ovulation. It was done too late. I ovulate on day 12 of my cycle according to the ovulation predictor kit I use. I've also been tracking my basal body temperature (bbt) for the last 6 months and the chart also shows that I ovulate on day 12 of my cycle. Take charge of your fertility is a great book to learn everything you need. The second IUI I was inseminated 16 hours after ovulation...again too late. I feel mittelscmertz pain every month so I know exactly the day and time I ovulate. That's something else to look into. I had a 21mm follicle. I requested an ultrasound the morning of the insemination for IUI #2 and the follicle was no longer there. This means I had ovulated 16 hours prior and the egg was probably done for! It's good to request an ultrasound the morning of your insemination. If you see the follicle there, then you have better chances of conceiving. I learned you should do the IUI within 6 hours of ovulation (before or after). That's a hard lesson to learn after 2 missed IUIs but I am now learning and know how my cycle works. My doctor told me he would do the insemination 24 hours post lh surge...problem is...a lot of doctors catch the tail end of your surge. He caught mine and that's why he inseminated me way too late. My ovulation predictor kit showed I started surging on day 11 so I should have been inseminated on day 12. I was inseminated on day 13 :( both times. I should have insisted they inseminate me on day 12 but you get lost with everything they tell you. This 3rd time I've insisted on getting inseminated on day 12. It'll happen in January 2010. It's all about timing, and very often doctors inseminate you when your egg is gone! Watch out for that because you might actually think there is something wrong with you. IUI can only work if the sperm is there within 6 hours of insemination. Good luck to everyone. This is going to be my 3rd try...hopefully this will be it!


First Time Mommy to be - December 17

I meant to say ...the insemination should be done within 6 hours of your ovulation. The sperm will only survive about 6 hours if frozen...12-24 hrs if fresh. Mine was frozen from a donor.



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