| KJ - June 28 |
Hi All, I'll be starting my first round of clomid tomorrow, Wednesday. Anyone have any good advice of success stories??......or just want to wait together? We've be trying for about a year now. Had a miscarriage in January and hoping to get pg soon! Baby dust to all!
I had miscarriages in 6/02 and 8/02, and an ectopic pregnancy in 12/02. In 3/02 an HSG showed my tubes were clear, but I was not getting pregnant again.
In the summer of '03 I had 2 natural (unmedicated) IUIs, and 1 with 100 mg clomid. They all failed.
Then, we decided to take a break from IUIs, but I still have a refill of clomid. That month, I became pregnant with twins. Today, my girls are 14 months old. Being a parent is amazing! Don't lose hope. We tried for 18 months before I was pregnant with my daughters.
We've been trying to conceive since shortly after their birth in 5/04, and I finally became pregnant in 3/05 but had a miscarriage. I had another miscarriage in 5/05.
My recent research has led me to believe that clomid may be the reason I had a successful pregnancy, as I have experienced 5 pregnancy losses without it. We are going back to a specialist in a few weeks for testing, but I am confident that we will be able to have more children.
It's a long journey, but the end result is well worth the wait. Lots of baby dust coming your way!
for more information.
| KJ - June 28 |
Thanks for your story WavGirl, it would be a blessing to have twins (although it scares my husband to death! :-). The clomid starts tomorrow and I'll be counting down the days from there (and will be looking for any symptom of ovulation!)