Can't get pregnant, please help
3 Replies
Eve - June 8

Hello everyone,
We have been trying to get pregnant for ten months now. I got prgenant in December and had a misscarriage three weeks into it. My doc told me it was a chemical pregnancy. I also accidently got pregnant three years ago and had a misscarriage after 6 weeks.
My doc tells me not to worry but I AM WORRIED. I bought the clear Blur fertility monitor three months ago and still nothing. I started my period yesterday and I was balling. What can cause my misscarriages and why am I not getting pregnant. Please help!


cathy - June 8

Eve don't worry, I had 3 miscarriages and it took me a year to get pregnant again. I have a healthy one year old now. Good Luck!


Christian - June 8

I have had 5 misscarriages and Iam a diabetic. My doctor said I have a cross wired putuitary gland not to bother having children. I do have normal periods every month. Is there any hope for me to having a family.


stacey - June 8

WOW CHRISTIAN- that's awful for a dr. to say! Can you try a specialist? EVE- wish I knew what to say, I have also had a m/c, and if I have another, I am going to ask for tests to be done to see why. Can your dr. give any advice?



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