Abnormal Bleeding on Clomid
3 Replies
Clomid User - June 9

I have been trying to get pregnant for a little over a year. I took 5 months of clomid(50), the first 3 months were fine, the last 2 I started bleeding about a week early and it lasted about 2 weeks. I got off of the clomid for 2 months and my periods went back to normal. This past month I started the clomid again and used the ovulation predictor kit and 6 days before I was supposed to start my period(day 21) I started bleeding again. Not heavy, and not every time I used the bathroom. It varied from just on the toilet paper to coming out in the toilet. But it's definitly not a regular period. I guess I could be pregnant but I'm not sure what to thin. It's Wednesday and I'm supposed to officially start Saturday. Does anybody have any ideas?


Amy - June 9

I hear a lot on this board, that when you are in fact preg. that often times you spot right before, or right about when you would normaly have your period.


Kelly - June 13

I had a similar prob this past month. it was my 2nd month on clomid and i started the lightest spotting on day 20. i called my dr on the 3rd day of continued light spotting and she said to start the clomid. I kept spotting for 8 straight days, then got my period for 3 days. It was really weird so I went in for a blood test that was negative for pregnancy but she thinks i may have had a chemical pregnancy, where the egg and sperm meet but it never implants in the uterine wall. i would ask your dr for a blood test to confirm, either way.


Clomid User - June 15

Thanks Kelly!



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