Is there something that helps with sperm ct and erectio
1 Replies
Katt - December 6

My dh has had a bit of an ED (erectile dysfunction) issue so our alternative doc rxed testosterone cream which helped tremendously in that dept, he was getting his am ho's again and his facial hair was growing, only problem is it nearly cut his sperm quality & quantity in half! He also stopped taking the Zinc which is a big issue as that was what aided his sperm production and I explained that to him, again. What should we do?? Is there something that provides both good sperm and erections? He uses Viagra on top of everything unless it's am bd using test cream. ggggrrrah! PLease anything you can offer would be great.


irishsweetie2003 - December 14

Myhusband takes some thing called Ambroze..... Workes great for him, definately no complaints and I got pg twice, although I m/c we know that it works though.... and I can get pg ....



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