Iam i pregnant
2 Replies
Beth - March 31

I started my periods at 12th march, had sex on 27th day. is posible to be pregnant? thanks you.


Lewis' mummy - April 10

Hi Beth assuming you have a 28 day cyle then yeah every chance as you would probably have been ovulating at that time. But cycles vary and so does the day you ovulate. There's a lot to it i've been ttc for 13 months so its not always that easy, fingers crossed for you hun.LOTS OF BABY DUST TO ALL TTC.x x


Melissa - June 22

This month june 4th I should of started my period, but didn't. Then on the 6th I had a one day period, and thats it. I took a test it was negitive. I been having some cramps and been peeing a lot. Is there a chance we can be pregnant? We really would love to be blessed with a baby boy!!



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