I's normal to ovulate after six days ...................
5 Replies
lavinia25 - July 22

I'ts normal to ovulate six days after your period it's finished ? Thanks...


Sann - July 22

Hi Lavinia ... I not sure if it's normal, but I think came across a post, someone saying about early ov. Sorry! I can't remember which board and thread. Have you tried posting this question on the other boards? Maybe the ladies there can give some help. Good luck : )


iampg - December 28

how do you know you ovulated cd6? i'm interested because i think i ovulated early this cycle too - used ferning micrscope and bbt. i did read that you can in theory ovulate at any point in your cycle - that's how you can get fraternal twins.


star_4_baby - January 4

Hey the best is to buy ovualation kit......


COL - January 5

ovulation kits, are off for older women to be accurate.


lenka - February 7

Hi! I always ovulate on day 10 or 11 but Doctors sad that it is impossible but I had my first child conceive on day 11 after period. I knew this because I felt when I was concieve...I think that you should trust to your body more than doctors...



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