Haven't yet had a positive ovulation test?
3 Replies
KM - July 4

Hi there, I had a missed miscarriage in May and am now ready to think about becoming pregnant again. I started testing on day 10 of my cycle for ovulation using the urine/supermarket fortel tests, it is now day 17 and still no positive. I was thinking I am either not ovulating at the moment or that because I test at work at around 1pm, I always drink litres of water at work and maybe they diluted my urine too much for it to show on the test...any ideas?


michelle - July 6

Those OPKs aren't always the best source of information. For some people (me for example) the second line gets increasingly darker but never exactly as dark as the test line. So I keep the tests for a few days to compare when the results are darkest and consider that as ovulation.


KM - July 10

Thanks Michelle for the input. I got a positive LH ovulation test on day 21?!?! PS Also, I started testing earlier in the day around 11.30. I guess my body is a bit confused, as I had a miscarriage in May and perhaps it is still sorting itself out? Who knows? I had sex on day 12 and 13 AS WELL as the night I got the positve LH test and the night after, so I know we have done what we can to conceive again. However, i do know it can take a long time to conceive even though it may have happened quite easily on other occaison/s. Here's hoping!!!


KM - October 2

Just wanted to let all you guys who are trying know - for the second month in a row all I got was a faint line, nowhere near as sark as the other line, arouind day 18. So I took myself to my doctor in a panic thinking I wasn't ovulating. He said these tests are not useful for everybody and are nowhere near as sensitive in predicting the LH as they claim. He took some tests though as I was sure due to the tests that I was not ovulating. A week later I got the results back and they showed that I HAD ovulated. Not only that, but I got a BFP another week later. We had BD'd for fun but as I was sure I wasn;t ovulating due to these tests, I hadn't thought it would lead to anything. I'm just leaving a note here, in case there are others relying on these tests and the temp readings......just because you are not getting clear cut signs of ovulation, doesn't mean it is not happening!!!!! I am currently 10 weeks, 5 days, but if I had not BD'd, waiting for a positive on these tests, I would not be pregnant right now!!!! Good luck and baby dust to all....



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