Could I be pregnant
2 Replies
mommacat - September 4

We have been trying to get pregnant for some time now, after a stillborn and 2 miscarriages (sp). In June we were trying and I was late on my cycle. Since then I havent had my cycle. (for 2 months) I took a test last week it came back neg. Here lately I have been having heartburn and gas. Even if I am not pregnant dont I need to have my cycles to get pregnant?


dreams4bump - October 15

You need to have a period first and then you ovulate if the egg is not fertilized then you should get your period again the next month. You could have amnoreah not sure how its spelled but its when you have an absence of a mentrual cycle. It would not hurt to go to a dr and see if they can help you start a period or find out the lack of one. Good Luck


tynadu - October 20

Your period do not need to come first for you to ovulate. Sometimes you may ovulate and your period never show. Our bodies are so crazy at times. If your cycle do not start in the next month you may need to call your DR.



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